Author Topic: 3yr2mo - 1-0/NWs stuff  (Read 1975 times)

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Offline K-JDA

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3yr2mo - 1-0/NWs stuff
« on: October 31, 2015, 08:51:09 am »
Hi there everyone

After some advice about my 3yr2mo DS if you don't mind. He is a touchy sleeper in the final throws of the 1-0.

We are at the point of NNDs for 3-4 days per week, will tend to fall asleep for 5-10 mins in the car on the way home at 5ish (totally unavoidable). On these days I am doing 7pm asleep with w/u 6.30-7 (although nearer 6.15 since clock change). Other days we are still finding he needs a nap as nursery everyday really wears him out - these vary from 20/30/40 mins. On these days he is in bed by 7.30 and can take 15/20 mins to fall asleep, awake by 6.15ish so 10.5hr night. Not had any nights under 10hrs hence not stopped his nap completely.

He has been PT since summer and night dry just a few weeks later. He will generally STTN 3 nights a week and then shout for a wee the other nights at 2/3/4/5 in the morning. Straight back to sleep no problems.

This week he tried to escape his cot so we have taken 1 side off and got a smal rail to stop him falling out. So far so good with no attempts to get out of bed before the sunshine on his clock (set to 6.15 as he has historically been a chronic EWer...)

The last 2 weeks we have had quite a few NWs - talk of monsters, a mouse, a big flower, noises etc. They are easy to resettle with some reassurance and quick cuddle and he will lie back in bed if I leave his door open, leave our door open and I can reassure if he shouts then he drops off after 5 mins or so.

Last night was 3 times - once when I had to go in and 2 times just shouting out to me.

I have also noticed that since the clock change he is waking up a bit earlier so obviously he is still adjusting.

I am starting to feel a bit pooped and suppose I have a few things I am wondering about:

- could the NWs be part of the 1-0 and should we go CT with the nap  - some days we struggle with an early bed due to finishing work etc so am a bit worried about this....
- could the NWs be just dreaming and/or developmental? We have not really had a sleep regression at 3 (1 and 2 year ones were awful but coincided with molars and he has all his teeth this time around)
- once your little ones were night dry then did they often wake for a wee? Now the side is off his cot should I teach him to use the potty in the night and leave it in his room?

He is complaining for being tired today but not sure of best way to get him properly caught up.

Grateful for your thoughts.

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: 3yr2mo - 1-0/NWs stuff
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2015, 05:52:54 am »
The nw's do sound like dreams &/or development - new awareness of fears sounds likely! My oldest DD is my only night dry kid, she was a few months shy of three when she was dry and to my knowledge never wakes to pee. We did keep a potty in her room at first but more for the first morning wee as she was not capable with doorknobsto get to the bathroom in time. I have always done nap transitions cold turkey so you can guess what I would do in your case ;).

Offline K-JDA

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Re: 3yr2mo - 1-0/NWs stuff
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2015, 20:36:19 pm »
Thanks for your reply!

Think you are right about the new awareness of fears affecting things!

MIL gave him a 40 min nap today (!!!) and it has taken him nearly an hour to fall asleep tonight ( ::)) so I know we need to tackle the end of the 1-0 but the problem is that on NNDs even after a good night before he will often fall asleep in his tea at nursery at 4pm or be in a total state when I get there and fall asleep in the car then can be hard work to get to bed, still mainly from OT I think. He just runs round like a maniac all day and it really drains him!

Can't get either nursery or MIL to take on board the concept of a 20 min catnap to avoid meltdown as it is inconvenient for nursery unless it is at nap time or MIL can't seem to wake him quickly.

We are probably stuck in an UT/OT cycle that I feel powerless to help him get out of as he is not with me during the week - it is pretty frustrating!!

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: 3yr2mo - 1-0/NWs stuff
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2015, 13:04:10 pm »
Ugh that is not great that they won't help make the routine better by giving a catnap! How have things been going?

Offline K-JDA

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Re: 3yr2mo - 1-0/NWs stuff
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2015, 20:46:39 pm »
Same thing really! He didn't nap at nursery today then fell asleep on the way home - bedtime was difficult and ended up too late so we shall see what the night brings! Hoping to catch a break with a late wake up so hopefully we can do a NND with a shorter day/decent bedtime and see if we can continue over the weekend. Hoping for no naps or short mid-pm 20 min catnaps. I feel if we can get a few decent nights of 11.5-12hrs we might be able to get on a run of NNDs and take from there. That is if I can get nursery to stick to what I suggest!