He's 28 months. And he's been napping again now just sometimes gives me s hard time. We've bee doing up around 7 nap 130-3 or 1-230 bed he doesn't fall asleep until around 9 but usually in bed by 830. Being that he's napping again and hates being woken I'm not capping but we are up to a 14 hour day! But there are just some days were he gives me trouble either at nap or bed and his behavior has been pretty bad these days lol. I think we've officially hit the terrible twos. He's into everything, he's throwing toys and food, having tantrums over things he wants that he can't have. I guess the typical stuff. We are doing a little timeout but it doesn't seem to be helping lol. He's also going through a phase where he's not interested in his toys he just wants to climb furniture and get into stuff. Guess it's another developmental stage?