Hi all,
I've been on the Breastfeeding board for a while, but we still have problems with naps. Here is a link:
5mo: crying after/during sleepMy DD is 7 month old. She is breastfed with an occasional bottle of breastmilk (3 times a week). We started solids, but it doesn't go well. If I get a spoon of puree into her, I consider it a success. Most of the time her mouth is shut and/or she spits up everything. We are planning to try BLW in a week or so.
Backstory: we moved her from 3.5 to 4-hour EASY when she was 5.5 months and then she started dropping her third nap (catnap). It was suggested (on Breastfeeding board) that we increase her A time. At first she was really struggling with it, so we didn't push it too much. Her naps were around 45min-1hour. However then around 6-6.5 months she started having 30 minute naps. So I started pushing her A time up to 3 hours. There were several days when she was sleeping for 45min-1hour, but then 30 minutes naps happened again.
Another problem is that with 3 hour A time I started giving her top-offs around 30min-1 hour before the usual nap time. The first few days I was getting "good" naps around 45min-1 hour. But the last few days after I gave her top-off she was super energized and I couldn't get her to sleep. Her awake times became 4-5 hours! So I stopped those top-offs.
Now I don't know what to do. If I keep 3 hour A time, then she has a long A time right before BT. If I increase A time, she needs more food and since solids doesn't go well I need to BF before the naps, which cause the problem I discussed above.
I would like her naps and therefore daily EASY schedule to be fixed, so that I could start PU/PD to help with prop issue (pacifier, nurse to sleep at night) and night wakings (we have at least 3 of those, most of the nights - 5).
Below is our current approximate EASY:
WU/E 7am
A ~ 3 hours (She shows sleepy signs and becomes really cranky after 2 hours) If I do top-off around 9:30pm, then she will extend her A time at least to 3.5 hours.
S 10:00-10:30 (I will try to extend her naps for 15-30 minutes.) With top-off: 10:30-11am
E 11am
A ~ 3hours (top off at 1:30pm causes 4-5 hour awake time, so I stopped doing it)
S 2-2:30pm (I will try to extend her naps for 15-30 minutes.)
E 3pm
A ~ 4.5 hours with E around 5:30-6pm (sometimes we still get another 30 min nap if she falls asleep while nursing)
Pre-bedtime routine 7pm
BF at bedtime 7:10pm
BT 7:20pm
Nightwakings will start from 10am.
Any suggestions?