Hi Honey, yes of course it's a good moment to start easy as a routine not as a rigid schedule. As I am on my phone I cannot quote but there is a great link on FAQ board on how to start.
My main advice would be:
- feed every 3h during day even if it means waking the baby from the nap to make sure she gets maximum amount of calories
- yes, think of daytime sleep but not too much at that age; just make sure she has 3 naps of 1.5-2h and one shorter catnap
- naps won't be great and it means that sometimes you will be feeding not after the nap but shortly before but don't worry just make sure you separate eating from sleeping
- the way she goes to sleep is superb:)
- don't worry about last nap of the day and sleep training - if she needs swinging, pram or whatever for that last nap - do it, you will soon drop that nap
- easy works on equal A times throughout the whole say separated by almost the same length naps; at 5weeks it's probably anything between 1h and 1:20h. It still might be more or less - it's just the average; you can look for a FAQ re average A times
- A times change very quickly during first weeks so expect her to increase her awake time soon:).
Hope that helps!