Thanks for replying!
Well, he has always woken through the night- but it used to be mixed up with feeds etc and then it settled to sometimes only waking for his feed, and now he is weaned off his feed overnight (he doesn't need it and even if we feed him he has very little, so it isn't hunger) he continues to wake up.
He wakes up every night, it doesn't seem to be impacted by naps- he had a few days where his naps were short (i.e. 1 hour) and so he woke up early and was wide awake so we just gave him three naps of one hour (because he had finished his second nap by 2pm and couldn't get through to bedtime without another nap)- that made no difference.
I can't pick him up to console him, he resists that, really I just need to pat him and he is quiet but it's as if he needs to go through a whole cycle to go back to sleep 45-1hour later.
He's been on two naps for around a month I guess. He does get separation anxiety when I leave the room, a bit, when he notices- so he will cry a bit. But he will go off to sleep on his own, he doesn't need cuddling or patting when he goes down.
I want a magic spell to make him sleep through!