Hello, am after a bit of advice. Well, not advice, I'm not sure I need to do anything, but understanding!
I have a 5 month old who is EBF. We are not great at following EASY as he is a bit of a fussy feeder (tongue tied and easily distracted!!) so I feed him on demand. Usually works out between 3 and 5 hours in the day, at night he does a 5ish hour stretch then 2x 3h. All fine. We aren't weaning, haven't dropped feeds. I had oversupply when he was tiny but attributed it to having BF the twins so thought my breasts were primed to make twin volumes, and it all settled down.
In the last week I noticed I was getting uncomfortable - that hot, itchy feeling. Wondered if I was getting mastitis again so started really paying attention and making sure no blocked ducts etc. But it is getting worse and I am now getting really engorged between feeds. And I am leaking and spraying all over the place, and getting random let downs - for example, my big twin was poorly all week and I was getting it from cuddling him!!
Is this normal?! Will it settle down?! Last night I had to wake him to feed as I was in agony!! I don't want to pump or express as I am worried it will make things even worse (and I hate it!) but I don't want to block feed or anything as maybe I need all this milk for something!! So confused - has this happened to anyone else??