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Offline ljearnshaw

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11 month baby short NW's
« on: November 18, 2015, 03:28:30 am »
Hello there,

I would love some advice on my 11 months NWs. For the last month he's been waking at night usually somewhere in the early hours.  About every 1 in 5 nights he'll sleep through. The wakings are not consistent so we can't do wake to sleep. They're also very brief which is why we've not taken action sooner. He wakes up crying out but as soon as my hubby goes in and gives him his soother her settles almost immediately. He's at an age where he can put his own soother in now but wakes up so suddenly that he needs us to feel comforted again. I would love to hear your thoughts. Here's his EASY routine...advice on naps greatly appreciated too! Should we be transitioning to one nap yet???

6:15 Wakes up (Since time change...Grrr) Plays in crib sometimes dozes again
E-7:15 Bf
E- 9am (Solids)
S-10:15 (usually 2 hours)
E-12/12:30 Bf
E-1pm (Solids)
S-3/3:30 (I have to wake him from this one but has started resisting this nap the last few days)
E-4:30 (whole milk)
E-6pm (Solids)
S-7:30 (Bedtime routine begins at 7pm includes BF he always goes down easy at bedtime)

Many thanks,


Offline Kellyjs

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Re: 11 month baby short NW's
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2015, 08:44:32 am »
Hi Laura, can I just say I love your profile pic, so cute  :)

Yes, I think you're on the way to one nap, you just might not be quite there yet.

You're getting a decent about of sleep in 24hrs overall. When he does take that 2nd nap when do you wake him? Not sure if your easy says it's 30mins or an hour.

In any case, it doesn't look like it's the 2nd nap that's the issue too much atm given he's settling for BT ok. I know he's starting to refuse it but I think if we just tweak things a little we can keep that a little longer.

Ok, so I do think we need to push that forts nap out a little. Perhaps start by 15mims and hold for a couple of days. Then I would actually make that 2nd nap a bit later at 3.45 or even 4pm and actually cap it to 45mims to start with. That should keep BT at the same time. I'll post a link for you to have a read through but do remember it does take time and we just need to protect that first lomg nap but hopefully push it later in time ok? Xx

From 2 to 1 nap transition (10-12m and older)

Offline ljearnshaw

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Re: 11 month baby short NW's
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2015, 16:03:06 pm »
Hi Kelly,

Brilliant advice! Thanks so much! It looks like we're not too far from this idea right now as the afternoon nap is more of a catnap (depending what he does in the morning) and yes I always wake him by 4:30 so bedtime doesn't get too messed up so second nap is usually 45-1hr. I'll start pushing morning nap to around 10:30 and afternoon later and see how we go.

I took a look at the article you attached on the 1-2 nap transition and it did mention that shortening the morning nap could help with NWs though???  What do you think?  Im a little more reluctannt to go this route as it would be messing with his schedule more and we're going back to the UK next month. We'll be moving around a lot and I've found when traveling in the past if I can get the morning nap in the crib then catnap on the go isn't the end of the world.

Thanks so much for the expert advice! Really appreciate it!

Many thanks,


Offline Kellyjs

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Re: 11 month baby short NW's
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2015, 16:12:54 pm »
Nah, personally I wouldn't in your instance hun. Shortening that first nap can help with EW but not always. You're getting a really decent nap in there so the idea would be to keep that one the long one. The problem you may find in chopping down that first one is that you never quite find the right A time to get a long nap in for the second one. That's the problem I had too. One pro is that those who manage to find the right A time do manage to hold onto two naps a little longer, but it's still not by much really.

Your length of day looks good so ideally we don't want to lengthen that too much. 13hrs is about average for those hitting the transition. In time we'll move that first nap back later and later and shave the time off the second nap. Do try for a CN everyday if you can. Apop can be your friend during these transitions, so if he'll fall asleep in the car or stroller, do it., even if it's just for 20mins to get to a decent, slightly earlier BT. If he refuses the CN, don't worry. Even some down time in bed will help, then shoot for an early BT. Remember some OT will happen on these days, but it's not the end of the world, just annoying!!

Another option we do have is to cap the first nap down to 1.5hrs for now, then hope that extra A time before the second nap encourages him to take it. In any case, let's start where we said before and see how we go. I just want to let you know there's still options we can try if our first one doesn't work.

I found it really helpful to talk through others in the same boat. There's a thread going on top of the naps board. I'll find it for you if you want to post in there too... But do keep me posted ok? And we'll work through it xx

Anyone want to talk about the 2-1 transition #27
« Last Edit: November 18, 2015, 16:14:42 pm by Kellyjs »

Offline ljearnshaw

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Re: 11 month baby short NW's
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2015, 16:34:54 pm »
Oh my god you're so amazing it makes me teary...ha ha damn hormones! What do people do without BW and this amazing forum?!?! I've just ordered Tracey's Toddler book and can't wait to get my hands on it!

I am loving this plan! It makes total sense to me and not too massive a change for us. Just one last question Kelly..... Should I force the second nap? The last few days I've been sitting in the nursery with him for an hour until the end of nap time (took me back to the training days!) Basically spent most the time laying him back down from standing (his new fav trick!) From what you said it seems as though an afternoon nap on the go is fine now too. How long would you persist in the nursery? I'm nervous to let him off the hook every time until he's ready for the one nap.

Many thanks,


Offline Kellyjs

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Re: 11 month baby short NW's
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2015, 18:58:58 pm »
I feel exactly the same hun, I'm thinking DD would still be napping for only 45mins at this age if I hadn't found this place!! Or else I'd have gone clinically insane  ;) :P

Yk what, I'd go out and about if I were to do it again. I drove myself nuts making sure I was home for each nap and tbh that nap really won't matter in time. Ideally you'd really want to be at home for the first one, but that's not always possible when we start pushing it out later. They go and fall asleep int  he car on the way back just to mess things up! Anyways, if you can be at home for the first one more often than not that'll be great.

The standing up thing drove me nuts. It's also classic UT behaviour but we can't do too much about it or else we'll be pushing it out far later and BT will get a little messed up. I do think in time we'll try for the CN at 4pm or even 4.15pm for 20/30 mins or so eventually.

I would leave him to it if he can get back down again? As long as he's happy. Even the quiet time in bed helps (except when they learn they can jump by holding onto the side  ::)). I'd persevere for the length of the nap (or 30mins), then get him up and do some low-key stuff and shoot for an EBT at around 6.30pm. Except some OT NW's in the early part of the night.

Let's see how we go for the next couple of days ok? Let me know if he takes the CN or not, then we'll revisit. We can always make a new plan..that's the fun with these bubbas, the tweaking never ends  ;) xx

Offline ljearnshaw

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Re: 11 month baby short NW's
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2015, 19:44:31 pm »
Hi Kelly,

You've been so unbelievably helpful that I just wanted to let you know that your plan is working! The nap times haven't changed drastically but Im finding just giving him the extra 15 minutes or at least being aware to give him a little longer is really doing the trick....90% of the time!

The only problem we're having is knowing what to do the other 10% of the time when he's just standing in his crib throwing his soother out and really playing a game to get us back in there. Last night it went on for hours with either my husband or myself in the room with him. Generally just being there with a hand on his back calms him and theres no need to PU/PD but we're almost just holding him from wriggling and trying to sooth him to sleep. Are we becoming props? And does there come a point (He's turning one in a few days) when you should allow a little crying as appose to rushing back in at his demands? (soother throwing) My hubby was all for the CIO last night but I've always been so against it after reading Tracey's books.

Id love to hear your thoughts and thanks in advance.  :)
Many thanks,


Offline Kellyjs

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Re: 11 month baby short NW's
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2015, 19:42:45 pm »
Hi hun, sorry for the late reply. I've seen you've started a new thread on toddler sleep. Might be best to keep it there now he's nearly 1? Xx