Hey everyone, sorry just can't focus on what you all wrote on the previous thread as I need the loo but don't want to wake DD

Hope you all make it over here! Funny, I have a plan in my head for morning nap refusals - so it's 20mins max sleep then down at 1pm, or if she faffs about for half an hour I'll give up and get her up and give her early nap at 12pm after early lunch. Or will try 11.30pm nap next Friday when I have to be at school for DS's Christmas play so won't attempt morning nap then... Anyway, I have my starting point all worked out in my head, then what does she do but some kind of funny 10min nap

Except that I wasn't really sure when she woke after some musing as to whether she was really awake or just making funny noises in her sleep... Well, it seems to have worked out ok for now as I put her down at 12.30pm, she made some funny crazy noises for about 2mins then fell straight to sleep and she's still going now at 2.50

Probably a good thing I have to wake her at 3 to get DS, or I'd be tempted to let her sleep too long... But my bladder can't cope with such long naps

Ok, time to go now, will be interesting to work out what to do with BT, but will be a bit funny anyway as picking up a friend of DS who'll be collected around 6pm, when I'm normally busy with BT routines etc... See you later