I have a two month old boy who started NW again like he did the first couple weeks he was home! So weird...
Our routine is dimming the lights around 7, bottle, then changing his clothes and diaper, swaddling him, then putting him in his sleeper on his back and letting him fall asleep on his own. He usually needs a pacifier to go to sleep also.
He usually always wakes around 1 or 2 for a bottle then used to sleep until about 5 or 6...
So basically he would go down around 8-wake up around 2-then again at 6.
He's big for his age, probably about 14lbs...and I don't think he really NEEDS a bottle at night but he is PERSISTANT and won't stop crying till he eats...
The past few nights he's been waking every couple hours...
Any tips on how to get him to stop waking up? Or get him to stay asleep like he used to?