Well, who knew? I decided to start taking DS2 to the yard with me while I have backup (DH at home this week). Popped him in the sling and he slept beautifully! At home I'd be pacing the floor to get him to go off but at the yard I just got on with the jobs and off he went with no effort from me. Now that was the mental break I needed! Fresh air, time with my horses and conversation
. The only thing I'd really struggle to do with him in the sling would be rugs, which is a shame because my big horse would love a groom.
I did the same today. Came home to DH having sorted the house, done some cooking and changed the bed, so we could all head out to the park later.
It does bother me when he doesn't nap. Yesterday he managed two naps, four (two short) today and I'm feeling a lot happier. I think that it is because he is clearly unhappy but just can't go off, and so I end up bringing feed times forward to try and cheer him up. I'm ok with some props but feeding to sleep is too close to messing everything up for me, and I really want to get him on a good feeding routine if nothing else.
I've decided to try and regard the next 6 weeks or so as observation time. Left to his own devices he's fallen asleep at around the 2hr mark most times, so I'm pretty sure he is very LSN. And I've got a feeling that his A times might only match up with his sleep needs when we get to four hourly feeds. Just a hunch!