DS2 had a cold that started 8 days ago. After the first day or so his appetite went almost completely and he would only take a couple of oz at each feed (bottle fed apart from first thing in am and bedtime). This has steadily increased as the week has gone on, but he is still taking an oz less at each feed than he was before the cold.
Because his day feeds were so small I've basically been feeding him every time he wakes at night and we've now gone back to 3 feeds a night. Prior to the the cold he would have a DF at 10.45 and the go through until somewhere between 5.30-7.00. Now, he wakes for a feed between 9.30 - 10.30 and the around 1 and again around 5-6.
Is this normal, and how long does it usually last?
I have post natal anxiety issues and the they are all linked to sleep, his and mine and things were going really well prior to the cold. Now we have more NW I get less sleep and the bad times are coming back. I think I need some reassurance things will improve.
He is 16 weeks, I missed that bit off, sorry.
Has anyone else been through this? I need some hope that it will improve. DS2 is quite happy now cold has abated but my mood has dropped totally due to NW and I can feel my other half getting really fed up now I seem to be back having problems.
The other question I wanted to ask is more of an EAt question but I'll pop it here anyway. Tell me to repost if necessary.
Before the cold I was working on stretching the time between feeds as 3 hours was to short. We had got to around 3.15 to 3.30, but we were very much in a transition phase. Now I have no idea really where we are so I'm basically working on 3 hours minimum unless he shouts for it and the wait for him to show signs of hunger rather than feed to a schedule. Does this sound like the right approach?
Thanks in advance.