Hi All,
I'm really frustrated right now- I feel like I've been posting the same thing for 3 months! My DD is 7.5 months and is waking up CONSTANTLY throughout the night. Some nights it is just 2 or 3 times and these have become our "GOOD" nights. She is still feeding 2x a night, but I don't think she needs to. When she wakes up and it's not feeding time, DH usually is the one to go in and try to calm her- we started PU/PD at 5 months but we don't even really do that anymore. We hold her until she calms down and she usually passes out on us and then we put her back. No rocking or pacifier at night, unless we're totally desperate. Basically it's a huge mess and often, when DH goes down to calm her, he's down there for 45 min + and I end up having to go down and feed her after all. It is really bad and I can't figure out what to do. Last night, DH was away so I was all alone. I was up with her at 8, 9, 10, 12:15, and 2:15-4:30 and then up for the day at 6:50. OMG. Nothing I did to soothe her was working and she was wide awake from 2:15-4:30.
I really need a new plan. I know PU/PD changes when they are older, but the brief paragraph in the PU/PD section isn't painting a good enough picture for me- does anyone have experience doing PU/PD with older babies?
Her EASY right now is typically:
645: WU
7:30: E
8:30: Solids
9:15-10:30: S (we do set naps)
11:00 E
12:00: Solids
1:30-3:00: S
3:00: E
4:00: solids (sometimes)
6:15: bathtime/bedtime routine
6:30: E
We really need help. I don't want to do CC or CIO but I feel like I'm out of answers!!! Please any advice or suggestions would help.