OK. I'm cautious about adding too much time to the first A, as I feel like she is genuinely ready for a nap by 930 and has been sleeping really well during these naps, but I will try to add 10 mins this week to see how it goes. Yesterday went something like this:
7:20: WU
9:55-11:25: S (the longest she's ever slept without a wake up!)
2:45-3:20: S (could not get back to sleep, was awake and playing in crib for 20-30 mins, not crying ever)
6:30: S
NW: 10:45 (seemed very uncomortable- suspect teething), 11:50 (fed and gave motrin), 3:50 (fed)- woke up at 6:05 and did not go back down.
Got her out of bed today at 6:30. Down for first nap at 8:50 (had been awake since 6:05)
Another question- and perhaps I should post this on a different board if you think it's more appropriate. We are heading out for a few weeks of travel in a couple days and I'm nervous about all the sleep things. Here are some questions:
1.) Our flight is early in the morning, requiring us to leave the house at 6am. What would you suggest as a good process for waking/trying to keep DD asleep, knowing her patterns as stated in previous posts of EASY routine? The drive to the airport is about 20 mins....
2) We are traveling for 5 days to Aruba, where the time difference there is 1 hour ahead. Then we are traveling to visit family for 10 days where the time is our local time, so 1 hour behind what it will be in Aruba. Is it worth trying to adjust her to the new time just for 5 days or try to keep her a little later so she can adjust better back to regular time after Aruba?
3) Any tips or suggestions for keeping naps and night time sleep solid while traveling?? Should I plan on reducing A time? Early BT?