Hi everyone,
I've recently night weaned my 11mo. He was previously getting a dream feed and then waking at 1 and 4 for feeds on average. He's now mostly sleeping through, but is waking around 4:30-5:30 and I can't get him back to sleep.
By 5, he would have had 10 hours without a feed, so I'm guessing he won't go back to sleep because he's hungry. I've been trying to resettle for half an hour, and when that doesn't work I turn on the lights and feed him and we get up for the day. I don't want to feed him and put him straight back to sleep because I'm trying to avoid the feeding at night association, but I also don't think it's fair to let him cry because he's hungry.
It's only been a week and a half, will he naturally extend his waking as he gets used to not feeding at night, or am I creating an early waking habit for him? He will happily rest his head on my shoulder and seems to go back to sleep when I hold him at that time, but as soon as I put him down he cries and stands back up.
What's my best approach here? I'm actually feeling a lot better as I'm going to bed about 9 so am getting a solid 7 hours sleep most nights, but I'd much rather start the day at 7!