Author Topic: 4 month old night wakings  (Read 1388 times)

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Offline albers30

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4 month old night wakings
« on: December 09, 2015, 03:36:47 am »
I have a 4 month old who has regressed some in her sleeping which I know is normal but I just want to make sure her new behaviors are just normal or if there's anything I could be doing to make our nights better.  Her current schedule is roughly this:

Wake 7am
Nap 9 or 9:30am  for 1/2 -1 hour
Nap 12:30 or 1 for 2-3 hours
Depending on when she wakes up from prior nap may have a 30 minute cat nap from 5:30-6
Bedtime 7:30 or 8 depending on if she had the cat nap or not, bottle before bed
Wakes anytime from midnight to 2 am, occasionally will sleep til 4 am takes 8 oz then generally back to sleep pretty quickly
Wakes again around 5 am sometimes eats, sometimes just needs settled back to sleep, sometimes just comes to bed with me and nurses.

Any tips on getting her to sleep for longer stretches?  Would love to drop one of the wakings.  She not a terrible self soother but not a great one either.  Any tips on sleep training at this age?

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: 4 month old night wakings
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2015, 07:31:32 am »
Tbh you've an amazing routine there. That lomg nap in the middle obviously suits her. Well done on establishing something like this.

The NW's are completely normal at this age to feed. There a pretty massive growth spurt around now too so dropping a nf will be pretty unlikely. As long as shes resettling straight away after a feed I really wouldn't worry too much at all. They will phase out on their own in time.

She does seem to cope with A times higher than the average especially if she manages to go without a CN here and there, good thing to bear in mind for the future. I'd expect a routine like this for a 6+ mo xx

Offline albers30

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Re: 4 month old night wakings
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2015, 18:15:40 pm »
She's had to learn to adapt.  She has twin 2 year old sisters so her schedule has to be pretty flexible with the morning nap and evening cat nap.  Sometimes I know she gets a little overtired as it can be a little difficult to get her down but there's not much I can do about it most times and she's doing much better then she was a few months ago.  She does find comfort in nursing or the bottle so sometimes I fear its a crutch she's developed but when she eats a full meal I feel like she must need it.  I wish she would take a paci as life would be easier I think but no such luck.  Occasionally at night she takes a little while to settle after her feed but the 2am crib parties have improved from several weeks ago so hopefully that was just a phase or something.  Any other tips for helping her learn to settle at nap/bed/nighttime other then the standard pat and shush ect.

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: 4 month old night wakings
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2015, 19:39:52 pm »
Sh/pat worked really well here, so I'm not sure I can suggest much else I'm afraid. Pu/pd could be an option when she gets a little older, but I always like to try with ssh/ pat first personally. She is still quite young and you're doing so well xx