Hey there Antie - Trimbler is not available (I forgot!) so I'll see what I can do
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OK. I've had a quick read through, it never sinks in quite so well when I read over a post as when I have followed throughout but here's what I suggest, set a first nap time and stick with it, increase A time and use W2S (the FAQ you mentioned, I'll link it). When LO is very tired he will sleep, I personally don't believe we are seeing OT in the naps and even if we saw a bit of OT in the naps I also don't believe it's too much of a problem, OT helps LO get onto a routine, Tracy had LOs stay awake a long time to get them on routine whether they got OT or not. The thing is here we tend to go slower, also with my own DS I went slower, like treading on egg-shells with those A times but the result was impossible UT naps, nap refusal, short naps, disturbed nights. The description you gave of your LO thrashing and arching at nap time after a period of time when he had been going down well, that to me means one of two things he is either screaming "put me down I am exhausted and you keep patting me instead of letting me sleep" or he is screaming "get me out of here no way am I ready to sleep!" yes they are polar opposites but you try one the try the other, and see what works (the former you say some thing like "seems you don't want me to hold you, let me put you down so you can get to sleep" if he goes quiet and seems to prefer being in his cot then that's the answer. If not then pick him up and leave the room, see if he calms down when you take him somewhere else. UT can look like cot fear at times.
So, looks like WU is between 6 and 7am let's spilt the difference give a 3hr A and set first nap at 9.30am for now. What do you think? Your aim would be something like this:
WU 6/7
A 3hr
S 9.30 - 11
A 3hr
S 2 - 3.30
A 2.5 (I'd leave last A shorter to make sure he is not OT for BT, often UT LOs will still accept early BT, but he'll sure let you know if he isn't ready!)
BT 6pm
NF any time after 10pm
second NF 3-4hrs from first
Begin W2S on nap 1, if you have the energy do both naps but I suggest you don't switch from nap 1 one day to nap 2 another, LOs make habits so it is more successful to work on the same nap each day.
How do I address habitual wakings? (wake-to-sleep and other methods)Look at naps option 1. I agree with Trimbler some LOs are bothered by shush/pat but it seemed not so long ago your LO was ok with shush/pat or a kind of adapted version you were using the the crib. It's ok to gently rock, place a firm hand, stroke, rub back, whatever, the idea is to keep him asleep and help him transition before he fully wakes (and it avoids nursing back to sleep).
Now you can either grit your teeth and plough through on those times regardless of short naps or you can alter the day to accommodate the short naps - either is fine and totally up to you.
If you adapt your day it may look more like this:
WU 6/7
A 3hr
S 9.30 - 10.15
A 3hr
S 1.15 - 2.00
A 2hr 45
S 4.45 - 5.30
A 2hr
BT 7.30
This is not set in stone it's just an example. This shows first couple of A times good and long to see if he will be more willing to sleep and to be helped to transition during nap 1 and 2. The A times then decrease to take into account very short naps and to try to avoid too much OT by BT.
WRT NW, I would accept 2 feeds. I know you must be exhausted but taking him to your bed may add some additional difficulties. I only took mine into my bed during the absolute worst teething and illness and even then he didn't stay the night, I just settled him down and took him back to his own bed. When we went through a very very difficult transition I got in bed with him rather than take him to mine. Are you able to set up a mattress on his bedroom floor for you to camp out a few nights? I know it's not an attractive thought but it does mean he learns he has to stay in his own room.
If you are determined to drop the feed to sleep prop you can also grit your teeth and refuse to feed outside of the routine times, he will eventually drop the prop, I'm not saying it will be comfortable though. I have never been a fan of cold turkey anything to be honest but having read your experience of the gentle wean I am not convinced this is the right way forward for you.
How about keep the prop for a few days just to see what happens on the naps with the longer A and W2S as the prop might suddenly disappear anyway? then reassess and decide exactly what you want to do before you get going on it?
Hope this helps some. Sorry if I have contradicted Trimbler and confused you with different ideas, we all have a different take on things, sometimes that's helpful and sometimes not so. Also sorry if I've given you too many things to think about, with short naps and many NWs, plus props there's quite a lot to cover. Take your time to have a think.
Remember this is your baby and you decide how to proceed x