I'll keep it short and sweet:
Yesterday Benjamin turned 8 months and he slept through the night, in his own cot, for the very first time. Yes ladies, you read correctly: on page 6 of my thread, my son HAS SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!!!! BT at 7pm, a short wake up at 10pm for a soiled nappy change, cuddle and back to sleep (no boob in sight) and then did not wake until 5.45am. There is no emoji icon to describe my joy and disbelief ... and needless to say I was listening at his cot at 5am to check he was actually still breathing :-)
And today, we have had two 1.5 hour naps without feeding or very much fuss and without waking ...
I'm sad I have to go back to work next week, which undoubtedly mess things up, but we are getting the hang of things!!!
(But then I indeed do have cool work ... back to my baboons!)
PS Surely I must be winning the 'most-read-thread-award' by now 😜