So if I aim for a day like this is this okie.
Wu 0615
Nap 1 1020- (hopefully for more than 1.5 hr) assuming she wakes up,at 1200
Nap 2 1600-1620?
Bedtime 1930
Or I pull bedtime forward?
that looks good to me. See how tired she is in the afternoon and maybe pull BT earlier a bit if she seems really tired.
Yes I have intro lullaby to wean of bf n it worked esp at night when she whined n stirs I turn it on and she will fall back to sleep. N during the daytime she slept with white noise because I have a 3 yr old who is very active n noisy. But when she whines n won't settle for nap I turn the lullaby on with white noise n she generally with go to sleep.
that sounds good

does make me think that maybe the NWs could be more discomfort than a prop issue then..
I m not sure how to make her drowsy without nursing her, if I just cuddle her on the rocking chair she will kick and wriggle so much.
At this age you don't really need to worry about getting her drowsy before you PD. She will (eventually) be able to learn to put herself to sleep in her cot from being awake and you don't need to "get her drowsy" first. I'd aim to put her down less and less drowsy.
With both my DDs (who are spirited) at this age, I carred them and took them for a walk around the house to help them WD before nap. At BT, for example, there was often a period of wriggling/chatting/singing before they nodded off. There are some other toddler WD ideas here.
Toddler wind down routinesIt's more about helping their mind and body to switch off/relax though, rather than getting them drowsy, iyswim.
Yes she is teething I think because I am going thru 3-4 wet bibs a day. Due to other medical probs she can't take nurofen n Panadol never works so i stop giving it to her.
Ah, that's a shame. Poor thing