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Re: Lost my way with 6 mo old EASY
« Reply #30 on: December 20, 2015, 08:15:45 am »
My guess would be the NWs are teething and/or the crawling/rolling development, either can disturb sleep to a point you just can't believe is possible and then suddenly pass after the phase is over.  At this point I wouldn't change the day sleep routine because of the NWs because it isn't strongly indicating that it's day sleep which is the problem.
For teething, it's possible to use both ibuprofen and paracetamol for the worst nights, check with your health car provider if you feel unsure, never go over the dose, you can space them out so that there is continued pain relief.

Don't be too afraid of APOP, these are tricky times, he'll go back to independent sleep quite easily after.

I would try a W2S to help him through at 1hr 15 ish into the next cycle if you have the time/energy to have a go.

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Re: Lost my way with 6 mo old EASY
« Reply #31 on: December 21, 2015, 00:41:44 am »
Thank you creations! I guess I have a fear that I will have to start from scratch. Bedford the phase he was able to fall asleep on his own with a lullaby. Sometimes with shh pat if he was more wound up but would go to sleep in under 5 minutes. He was sleeping longer stretches etc. I guess I just have to remember that he's not 100% and needs me more which I am fine with. I guess it's nice to have the reassurance that it's ok to help him fall asleep if he's having a lot of difficulties.

So you mentioned not changing the routine for now until things settle with the teething and his developmental phase. Right now I'm at:

W 8 am
A 3hrs
S 11-12:30 roughly
A 2.75
S3:15-4:45 pm
A 2.5
BT 7:15 pm

So I should increase second A if I continue to get broken naps? Today I got a good am nap (1.5) without wake ups at about 3:05 A (which he pushed himself) the rest of the day was shot due to errands. But I did opt for an earlier bedtime so we will see how the night goes.

How does W2S work?

Update: Also I have a question regarding handling EBT after a 15 minute nap. Today I was out as I mentioned before and poor DS only for a 15 nap for his afternoon nap. I had him in the carrier and I guess too much noise didn't allow him to nap well at all as he was much more interested in his surroundings. Unfortunately his A was also over 3 hours which I'm sure contributed to the practically nonexistent nap. By the time I came home and for him ready for bed. It was 2:05A when he finally drifted off. Needless to say tons of NW (5-6) and a very long one (1.5hr) of straight crying and being wired. I knew it would be a rough night; however, I was wondering in general when a situation happens is it ok to to an EBT despite not fitting in regular feeds and day shortened to 10hr. What can I do in these type of situations? Roughly what A would have been more appropriate after a 15 minute nap. I'm just wondering for next time (because I'm sure there will be a next time) what I can do differently.

Thank you!
« Last Edit: December 21, 2015, 09:25:36 am by JennVanessa1083 »
Jennifer xx

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Re: Lost my way with 6 mo old EASY
« Reply #32 on: December 21, 2015, 09:52:26 am »
So I should increase second A if I continue to get broken naps?
Yes.  And if he appears to want a slightly longer first A time that's fine too :)

How do I address habitual wakings? (wake-to-sleep and other methods)
Look at naps option 1 (but you can also read the full thing, might give more idea).  Basically you just get into the room before he fully wakes and calls for help, you pre-empt the need for help and go in say 5-10 mins before and begin or be ready to begin shush/pat or whatever you usually do to help him stay asleep through the transition.  The timing on the FAQ might not be right for you, as I say go in 5-10 mins before he needs you.

I was wondering in general when a situation happens is it ok to to an EBT despite not fitting in regular feeds and day shortened to 10hr. What can I do in these type of situations?
Honestly you can only do what you can do.  Probably the best advice I can give is to expect a rough  night of it at least then you are 'ready' and not surprised.  Some LOs (esp as they get a bit older) seem to think they've done a full nap when they only had a little micro-nap of a few mins, they need almost a full A time until they will sleep again even though they don't have the energy for it.  With a failed/short afternoon nap I'd just try to do BT as early as possible to try to avoid too many NWs and then start the next day a fresh.  If it's a regular thing then I'd look at routine to try to adapt to the regular disturbance but if it's a one off then I'd just grit my teeth and expect a rough night.
BT can be as early at say 5.30pm, some even do one off BTs earlier than this.  It may lead to a slightly earlier morning WU but then you would use the next day to get back on track.  The EBT needs to be a one-off really so that LO doesn't get used to EBT and EW.  There are certain routine transitions which require EBT as a standard part of the routine but that's a different issue.

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Re: Lost my way with 6 mo old EASY
« Reply #33 on: December 21, 2015, 16:55:54 pm »
Ok that makes sense! Today is a wonky day since last night his sleep wasn't the greatest so I already had an OT am nap that I APOP-ed the rest. We will see how the rest of the day goes.

Thank you again!
Jennifer xx

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Re: Lost my way with 6 mo old EASY
« Reply #34 on: December 22, 2015, 03:15:08 am »
Well he did a 40 minute pm nap after almost 2:55 A (unplanned). We were out so couldn't settle. Normally I don't even go out two days in a row with DS only because I like to have a restful day for him to get back on track when I know he will be OT from short napping during outings. Anyways, I tried cutting back the A to 2:15 and ended up with a 2.5 to bed. I also ended up with another long NW. I know you said the main culprit is teething and developmental leaps aonik trying not to worry.

I have general sleep questions:

1. Does independent sleep go away when using so much APOP to get DS to sleep and stay asleep?- I'm fearful of starting from square one especially since although I wasn't at the point where I could just walk out of the room, DS was at the point where he could put himself to sleep with a lullaby; at worst with minimal patting.

2. What's the average sleep for a 29 week old baby? He's currently doing between 13-14 hrs per day. Usually averaging 14 hours a day.

Jennifer xx

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Re: Lost my way with 6 mo old EASY
« Reply #35 on: December 22, 2015, 08:07:28 am »
1. Does independent sleep go away when using so much APOP to get DS to sleep and stay asleep?
I really don't think you will lose where you had got to with his ability to self settle.  Mine was going to sleep independent very young, about 8 wks old I think (certainly under 10wks). From 3.5 months to 5.5 months we had a series of 40 min naps, horrible, and when we came through the other side he was back to sleeping independently. Similarly other tricky phases such as illness, teething, developmental leaps, I have always given the additional help he needs to be able to sleep and he has always come out the other side still self settling.  IME even when things seem really bad they still manage to return to independence either on their own or with minimal 'work' to get there.

2. What's the average sleep for a 29 week old baby?
Here's the link
Typical Amounts of Day and Night Sleep
Mine never hit those lower end guidance times, always less. I think once in a blue moon he hit 14hrs sleep in 24.
Don't forget the guidance is only guidance, some LOs are going to fall outside those figures.
I'm imagining your LO is quite alert and interested in the world, is that right?

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Re: Lost my way with 6 mo old EASY
« Reply #36 on: December 22, 2015, 09:37:01 am »
Ok that is good to hear. I don't mind using APOP to make sure he gets the sleep he needs, but it is good to hear that I won't have to start from scratch to get him to sleep independently.

In your opinion, should I continue to try to encourage falling asleep independently with shh pat for naps and going down for BT? What I have been doing is APOP early wake ups from naps and NW after BT. I'm finding this week very difficult to do so because he just cries hard while going down. When I pick him up to soothe him he will try to sleep in my arms so when I put him down again he gets hysterical. I try to soothe in the crib and now he falls asleep crying  :'(. I don't want to break trust with him but I also am not sure APOP for every nap and BT until his teeth come in is advisable. Especially since he's much more aware and looks like he's in the beginning of SA (according to Wonder Weeks).  What do you think?

DS is very alert; never wants to miss anything. I think if it were up to him,he would never sleep no matter how tired he is  ::)

« Last Edit: December 22, 2015, 16:11:05 pm by JennVanessa1083 »
Jennifer xx

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Re: Lost my way with 6 mo old EASY
« Reply #37 on: December 22, 2015, 19:23:32 pm »
Do you feel like this is all teeth?  Are you medicating before nap time to see if it helps? (prob not all naps, do watch the dose guides)
You are not breaking trust because you are right there with him. If you feel better to pick him up then do so. If his teeth are really really bad he might be better having a nap or two in arms.
Is there a chance he needs a slightly longer A time or a shorter/longer WD perhaps?  If he is crying this much at nap time I'd be tempted to put him down 10 mins later to make sure he is tired.

With picking up, you might find it possible to pick up only slightly from the cot, to lift his weight off the mattress bad feel your hands on him but not bring him right up to a holding position.  The more tired he gets the more you can aim for this (ie start with a full pick up and cuddle).  I found this helped my DS once, he was literally at the stage of falling to sleep the second I picked up so I only picked up a cm, he fell asleep, put down he woke, picked up he fell asleep a cm from the mattress, put down he woke and cried, put my hands under/on him and made sure he felt them but without picking up and he was so exhausted he just nodded off.  It's tricky to describe but perhaps you get the idea and just see if something like that will help along the way with your own methods when you are trying to sooth him.

Are you using a key phrase? Key phrase is very helpful for verbal reassurance at this stage if you are not shushing.

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Re: Lost my way with 6 mo old EASY
« Reply #38 on: December 23, 2015, 17:40:38 pm »
Hi Creations!

Well I do think a large part is teeth. The other part of me says its SA or the beginnings of it. Hard to tell bc he's super clingy and cranky lately. He's such a happy baby normally but I can tell he's bothered. I use Camila before naps and Tylenol or Motrin for bed when I feel he needs it. He has been biting harder and fussy at the breast. He also has a teething rash which I'm sure doesn't feel comfortable for him.

I continue to soothe him in the crib with the key phrase "it's sleepy time" or sing "twinkle twinkle" since that his the trigger song for sleep. I do like your suggestion in lifting him from the crib a bit but not completely in my arms.

Today he actually wanted to nap 30 minutes earlier! I put him down and he didn't fight at all. No crying or anything just drifted to sleep with a blankie. He woke very briefly at 33 minutes but resettled quickly in the crib. I just shushed him and jiggled a bit. Does this happen with teething? Maybe the broken sleep from the last couple of nights? He did have multiple wakings including a 2 hour one  :-\ I knew that was coming though since we had a busy day preparing for the holidays song is naps were primarily on the go. So perhaps he's playing catch up from a day with not so great sleep. 

If I don't speak to you sooner, I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday!!
Jennifer xx

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Re: Lost my way with 6 mo old EASY
« Reply #39 on: December 23, 2015, 19:11:13 pm »
Oh I think that earlier sleep could be teeth or could be, as you said, catch up from the last few days/nights. I wouldn't read too much into it.

merry christmas to you and your family :)

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Re: Lost my way with 6 mo old EASY
« Reply #40 on: December 24, 2015, 01:36:31 am »
Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Jennifer xx

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Re: Lost my way with 6 mo old EASY
« Reply #41 on: December 27, 2015, 08:25:37 am »
Hope things are going well for you x

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Re: Lost my way with 6 mo old EASY
« Reply #42 on: December 27, 2015, 18:05:34 pm »
Hi Creations! I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas!

Things are going pretty well. His routine is slowly getting back to where it was before Christmas but that's to be expected. He's a textbook baby so when he goes off the routine things are very wonky for a couple of days to a week.

He's also finally cutting his teeth!!! Yay!!! There are tiny little buds so it's definitely the teething keeping him up at night and I think contributing to the broken naps so I haven't changed anything in A time. I'm still aiming for:

A 3 hrs
A 2.75
A 2.5

 It hasn't been the easiest; poor DS is agitated and restless. How long does it take after teeth start cutting through for them to be fully out?

I'm trying my best to make him comfortable and doing what I can to help him sleep. LOADS of APOP! Today's first nap was the first time in days he fell asleep to singing and patting. I figure if I can try for at least one nap and maybe bedtime it won't be so hard getting him back to falling asleep without the props.
Jennifer xx

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Re: Lost my way with 6 mo old EASY
« Reply #43 on: December 27, 2015, 18:49:12 pm »
I can't lie, teething is the WORST in my opinion. I thought the first year was bad with teething until mine his 1yo and then the teething REALLY started. Oh my!
Do you use meds at all?  Might help for one of the naps to get him a bit of rest if needed.


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Re: Lost my way with 6 mo old EASY
« Reply #44 on: December 27, 2015, 21:58:33 pm »
Yikes!!!!! Sounds like I'm in for it  :o

It definitely sucks big time!!! He's especially restless at nights and has been having 1-2 long NW of 1-2 hours then an additional NW to feed. We average about 4 NW right now. Doesn't help that he's practicing to crawl. I am trying not to lose it although I am very tired and find myself crying along with him from exhaustion. I just keep telling myself this will pass...

Naps I have been giving Camila which seems to calm him down. He tends to fall asleep pretty easily considering; cries a bit then either falls asleep while I rock him or like today while I pat him. He wakes up mid nap so then I help him resettle so at least he can rest more. Nights I give Motrin or Tylenol. Honestly I feel it does nothing but then again maybe it does but maybe it does and I just don't see it. He cries off and on during the long NW which usually occur in the earlier part of night (latest was 1:30-3 the one night!) then the other NW are brief just to feed.

I'm just hoping the teeth will be out in a couple of days. I'm trying my best to stay with a routine.
Jennifer xx