That is helpful. I ended up capping the last night two nights in a row and shortening the last A to get a reasonable BT. Surprisingly, I barely resettled and he slept pretty well both nights.
I do have a great update though
Yesterday, he actually took a nice 1.5 restorative nap after 2:50A. I thought it was a longshot especially since he slept 11.5 hours. However, I aimed for 3 hrs A and he put himself to sleep within 2 minutes and did n't need any resettling!!!!! The next nap was slightly UT which he put himself to sleep for within minutes at 2:55 A (I'm thinking he needed a touch of a longer A?). Last night he went to bed OT due to me putting him down too early then him becoming OT playing around in his crib (lesson learned). However, I only needed to resettle once then he slept for the rest of the night with 2 brief NW to feed! Much better than he has had in weeks!
Here is my routine from yesterday:
NW 10:08-11:06 (showered and DH took over), 1:59, 5:09 am
Total: ~11.25 hrs
WU: 8:42 (woke him up)
E 8:50 am
E 10:56 am
S 11:32- 12:59 pm (A 2:50; self settle; took 3-4 minutes)
E 1:05 pm
E 2:55 pm
S 3:53-5:21 pm (A 2:54; self settle; took 8-9 minutes. May have been too early to put him down (2.75A); woke up at 40. Might be slightly UT)
E 5:27 pm
E 7:50
S 8:42 pm (A 3:19; put him down 2:36 aiming for 2.75A and wasn't tired enough ended up OT. Tried shh pat for a half hour and was hysterical. Should have put him down closer to 2.75 or 2:50 to aim for about 3 hours A. Ended up rocking him)
NW 9:23 pm, 12am, 4:15 am
Not too shabby
He woke up around 7 am this morning which gave hi 10 hours of sleep not including NW so I'm hoping today will go somewhat smoothly. I am happy because we can finally go back to an earlier routine
So I guess I am wondering if it is possible that I misread him needing a 3:15A thinking he was UT but in actuality he was OT the entire time. I guess I will see what happens for the next few days with a routine that you posted.
WU 7
A 3
S 10 - 11.30
A 3
S 2.30-4
A 3
BT 7