Please post your EAS times as they happen. Either myself or Bella will have a look and help you.
If you don't have your EAS times then please begin an observation period, 2 days where you do whatever you usually do (follow the clock or follow cues adapt as LO needs to adapt or whatever its is) and just write down each time, accurately, add any little notes by the side, like if you try to resettle or if she was grouchy et. So something like:
WU 7.30
E 7.30
A 7.30 - 8.30, 1hr
S 8.30 - 9.15 woke crying would not resettle
E 11.00
A 9.15 - 11.15
S 11.15 fell asleep feeding...
...or whatever happens. A time is eyes open to eyes closed the full amount of time awake including nappy change, wind down and eating time. S is eyes shut and asleep to eyes open. Note any mid nap wake ups at what time and if you can resettle.
So 2 days of observation, you can save the 2 days times and post in one go or post each day, it's fine either way.
We can review those and will be able to suggest how to move on.
Please also let us know if she falls to sleep independently or if you help her, and how you help (shush/pat, sing song, rock whatever).
Whilst you are receiving support it is very helpful if you would continue to note down your EAS times and any brief notes, you won't have to post the times every single day but when we feel we could do with a peek at them we will ask and it will be helpful for you to have them available. You might also begin to see patterns yourself, I know I did when I wrote down the times. I only ever recorded our EAS times when we went through bad patches, routine tweaks, nap dropping, as soon as we were through the difficulty I stopped recording again.
I don't want to overwhelm you like there is so much work to do writing times down but it is all we have to go one here, it is quite amazing how much the community is able to help one another without even meeting the babies. I have had so much help on these forums over the years.