Author Topic: Acid reflux or milk intolerance?  (Read 3001 times)

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Offline Zack&Zaid'smom

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Acid reflux or milk intolerance?
« on: December 18, 2015, 21:16:07 pm »
Hi mamas, ive been trying to figure out why my 10 week old baby wont nap in the day! Hes a great nightime sleeper but in the day he falls asleep and will suddenly wake up for no reason and stay awake. Then gets overtired. Im pretty sure he has reflux bc he spits up a lot after he eats. Especially when he is burped. His dr suggested i try soy milk bc he might have an intolerance but now he is drinking less ounces than usualy so im guessing he doesnt like it. Its helped witht the spitting but he still wont nap. He is normally a happy baby, never really fussy. He only gets cranky bc he cant stay asleep or bc he is hungry. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what i should feed him now? I really dont want him to stay on soy milk :/

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Re: Acid reflux or milk intolerance?
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2015, 21:56:42 pm »
Hi there, I posted on your other thread :) wanted to suggest you look at the reflux board, there are some basic info stickies there that might help you rule reflux in or out. And there is a food allergies board too. Sorry can't link right now.

Lactose intolerance is one thing, if he has a cows milk intolerance he is likely not to tolerate soy either. Just to bear in mind.
*Anne*, loving mama to a honeybee (2010) and a sweetpea (2012).  BF for 4 proud years.

Offline Zack&Zaid'smom

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Re: Acid reflux or milk intolerance?
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2015, 03:23:32 am »
Hes keeping it down fine but doesnt seem to like it bc he wont finish his bottle. Im trying to figure out whag formula to try next

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Re: Acid reflux or milk intolerance?
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2015, 10:10:35 am »
Just a thought. You describe your baby as being happy and not crying a lot, and he sleeps well at night. What males you think reflux is bothering him? I have had 2 refluxers and they were not happy babies until the reflux was under control.

My DD2 is a happy baby and sleeps well BUT spits up a TON. But I don't consider it reflux because she is not in pain.

As Dr Jack Newman said - spitting up is a laundry problem, not a medical problem (except when baby is obviously in pain of course)

Any chance those nap issues are routine related?

Offline Zack&Zaid'smom

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Re: Acid reflux or milk intolerance?
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2015, 15:16:53 pm »
He spits up a lot after feeding, when he burps mill comed up immediately after. after a burp he seems uncomfortable finishing his bottle. I will put him down for a nap and within minutes he will wake up crying and wont go back to sleep unless he is held. Not sure if constipation is a symptom but cow formula made him constipated a lot. I added probiotics and rice cereal to his milk but it didnt help much. The soy milk helped with the spitting but not with the nap. I think he sleeps well at night because he is so tired from being awake all day. I could be wrong but i just know something is bothering him and constantly waking him up.

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Re: Acid reflux or milk intolerance?
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2015, 15:33:21 pm »
Rice cereal in the bottle could possibly cause constipation & tummy upset at that age, so can switching formula often.

Have you tried just a gentle formula like aptimil comfort milk, helps with constipation also. How long are you giving each milk a try for as it can take a while to adjust?

Are you sure that its not wind thats waking him up? If you are feeding then straight to nap, is there trapped wind? I used to try & keep ds & dd awake as long as possible after the feed & especially dd as she had horrible trapped wind so she would need extra winding ☺️

Offline Zack&Zaid'smom

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Re: Acid reflux or milk intolerance?
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2015, 15:43:25 pm »
My son was breastfed for 3 weeks before started him on holle and  has been on it ever since. I just added the cereal this week so its only been about 5 days. However the constipation has bern on and off since he started the formula. I usually feed him, chnage diaper play for 10 minutes and go to bed when he starts to get fussy. I just changed him to soy about 4 days ago (dr recommended it). Im not crazy about giving him soy tho so im looking into a more organic option that will work for him. Ive never thought of trapped wind tho! Ill try that today! Thank you!

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Re: Acid reflux or milk intolerance?
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2015, 15:50:29 pm »
Its really difficult to try and find the right formula, although i do know you need to give it time to settle in. My ds just took the same formula & was fine but for dd we had to change twice before we found one that her tummy was comfortable with. The comfort milk is (apparently) good to move to from breast milk.

Hopefully a good burping session might help ☺️

Offline ENMS

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Re: Acid reflux or milk intolerance?
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2015, 15:56:45 pm »
Do you have hydrolyzed formula where you are? Here we have formulas like Alimentum and Nutramigen where the milk protein is broken down to be more digestible for sensitive LO's?

With my DS we tried a few and only the Nutramigen AA, which is amino-acid based ended up being ok for him.

Offline Zack&Zaid'smom

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Re: Acid reflux or milk intolerance?
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2016, 00:05:37 am »
Thank you so much! Ive been taking him to the chiropractor and thats been helping but its a temporary fix. He is on nutramigen and im looking to order the hipp formula. I will try that thank you again!

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Re: Acid reflux or milk intolerance?
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2016, 04:50:17 am »
While we appreciate a variety of experiences and advice, we encourage our parents to consult their personal doctors/GP's in relation to their baby.  In addition, the suggestion for babies who frequently spit up, and may be suffering from reflux, is to hold them upright for 20-30 minutes after feeding to help minimize the discomfort they feel.  You may find that if you elevate her crib mattress with books it will help her sleep better. 

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Re: Acid reflux or milk intolerance?
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2016, 20:17:57 pm »
just read this thread with interest and wondered what the outcome was?
Going through silent reflux problems myself.