For the past 2-3 months my DS has been very difficult to nurse. He gets impatient and distracted and pushes me away. (I had a thread on this a while back.) I would feed him in a dark quiet room etc. It would sometimes work and sometimes not. I tried to chill about it and gave him bottles when I needed to. I think that now he is more willing to nurse, but my problem, I believe, is that I did not pump when a BF session didn't work out and I am now my supply is inconsistent. Sometimes I'll nurse him and all is well and other times he'll try to nurse and come off screaming. Then he'll go back on and off and on and off... And then he'll guzzle down an entire bottle. I'm confused and frustrated and don't know what to do. A couple of days ago I decided that I'm just going to go to all bottles but now I'm not sure. Tonight's bedtime feed went well and I want to keep it. I've noticed that if I give him bottles for the two daytime feeds, my breasts feel full at bedtime and the feed goes well. The morning feed used to also be okay but now it's not. I want to work on increasing my supply in the morning, then give bottles for the next two feeds and nurse at bedtime. He's been waking at night screaming and screaming and only goes back to sleep after a full feed. I think he is very hungry and just not eating well. Any advice?
Sorry for rambling, I'm just so lost and so sleep deprived.