Author Topic: Anything I can do?  (Read 1464 times)

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Offline choc

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Anything I can do?
« on: December 22, 2015, 08:48:53 am »
So we've hit the 4 month regression a few days before Christmas, great! Ds is 14 weeks and has started waking all through the night. He breaks out of his swaddle and suddenly seems dependent on the dummy when he wasn't before. I know I need to get rid of the dummy as he woke for it at 1am, 2.15am, 3.30am. Then I fed him at 4.40am. However I don't think I'm going to attempt to get rid of it this week because of Christmas and we are spending a few nights away at family. Is there anything I can do in the meantime to make things any better?!
Also after his feed he wanted the dummy to sleep, it was around 5. 30. Then  he slept til 8.00am even though the dummy had fallen out, when I had to wake him. So he can transition through sleep cycles without then? And the strange thing is that usually 5.30am onwards is his worst period of sleep but  now it seems to be the best? I can't think why that would be?
Sorry for rambling! So in short, why can he transition through sleep cycles only in the early hours? Is there anything I can do to start preparing to ditch the dummy after Christmas?

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: Anything I can do?
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2015, 20:20:49 pm »
Probably because of those NW's! He's probably shattered come morning! I hate the 4mo SR, it was definitely one of the worse for us.

There is a pretty massive GS around now too which many have found introduction of another NF helps for the time being. If bottle fed, make sure he's got at least 1-2oz left over in it so he's not finishing because he's run out iykwim. If BF, unfortunately there's not much you can do either, just accept the extra NF for the time being.

All I can suggest is be consistent. Stick to your ground rules. If you're completely against something like co-sleeping or rocking, just don't do it. Stay with ssh/pat or feeding (if longer than 3-4hrs since last feed) and just try and get through it. You will, it's just a phase but it's pretty yucky for the time being.

I'm not so great with the dummy though I'm afraid. I have read on here some prefer to go cold turkey, but that might be best for another  post when you get back after Xmas and you can ask that of more experienced mummas! Sorry xx

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Re: Anything I can do?
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2015, 20:53:18 pm »
I'd suggest since this is a time of disruption to routine anyway, let go a bit and take it as it comes. I would reckon you could be dealing with a GS, or he's just using more energy being excited (picking up on it from everyone else around) so worth an extra NF, definitely 2-3 NFs is within the range of normal at this age.

Just think, most people dread the routine disruption of Christmas anyway, so maybe just think of it as getting two tricky periods out of the way at the same time.

Also, those wakings could be a sign he needs an A time increase - where are you at the moment with that?

Offline choc

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Re: Anything I can do?
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2015, 21:37:36 pm »
Thanks for the feedback. With regards to naps, he takes a fab first nap after only 1hr30 A time as that's when we leave for the school run and it seems  to suit him. Naps after that on the same A time are short and my instinct is UT so I am trying to stretch out to 1hr45 but if I get another short nap and can't resettle then obviously the rest of my As are shorter.  It feels like a bit of a vicious cycle. I keep trying to extend where I can though.

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: Anything I can do?
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2015, 19:55:52 pm »
You could well keep the first one where it is for now. Just look out for signs such as EW or the nap getting shorter, otherwise I'd leave as is.

Yes, if you feel the others need extra A time, they usually do! I hope it goes well, pop back if you need to xx

Offline choc

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Re: Anything I can do?
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2015, 21:56:54 pm »
Thanks! We have bought a new swaddle thingy so hopefully he won't bust out and will sleep better tonight.