Hi there all, hope everyone had a sleep-filled and restful Christmas! I am after some advice please regarding our 6 week old son. He is only waking once at night now, around 3am after going to bed at 7.30. The problem is that he is really unsettled after this feed, and has been for a couple of weeks now. He is fine up until he has his night feed and then it's touch and go as to whethe falls asleep after he goes down after this feed. He is in a crib in our room and we can hear him shuffling and squirming (although he burps before we put him down) and then he ends up getting up at 6 and we're not sure if he's even slept. We have been suspecting reflux and he's started seeing a cranial osteopath to see if that helps so I'm not sure if it's that. He obviously knows how to put himself to sleep if he's going such long stretches at night, I'm just not sure what the problem is. He takes an age to go back to sleep after we get him up in the morning (noisy 4YO running around doesn't help!) and we swaddle him when he's in his Moses basket in the morning. Does anyone have any ideas as to why he would be so unsettled at this hour? It's driving me crazy that I can't figure it out!