Author Topic: 3 weeks old and not really sleeping.  (Read 934 times)

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Offline Han12345

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3 weeks old and not really sleeping.
« on: December 28, 2015, 07:51:25 am »
My baby girl is 3 weeks now. She's been up and down the first few weeks, as expected. Firstly with mucus so we put her on her side, that went after a few days. Then I wondered if she was allergic to some soya yoghurts I was eating as she had bad wind and a sore bum. She always seems to have some trapped wind (crossed eyes now and again and blue lip) so I tried Infacol but that made her much worse, she hardly poo'd and was starting to get sick after a feed. I stopped the Infacol after a couple of days.

She is generally a good baby and feeds really well. I am BF'ing and she has been putting on weight really well, so well she only lost 5g in the first 3 days lol.

The problem is she moans a lot. She doesn't cry but groans and grunts. She tries to sleep in between but seems to wake in pain and wriggles around a lot.

The last couple of days she's just not seeming to sleep much at all. She's started to be awake a lot in the day and has a couple of hours sleep now and again but this seems to be getting less in the day at the moment. She seems to settle a little more when being held but we have always put her down the first two weeks and she slept no problem in her Moses basket.

The last two night have been the worse. She has woken every 1hr 30 and only feed for 5 mins. When I have put her down she had constantly groaned, and wriggled, she sort of screams and holds her breath.. I really feel like she's in pain.

She usually poo's quite regularly. Before or after feeding and they are yellow poo's sometimes grainy and sometimes quite runny but I believe this is all normal. I do feel it smells a little different the lady couple of days (maybe more metal like?)

I am thinking of starting to express soon and have also been debating whether a dummy will help her but don't know where to start with both and feel I need to try help her with this problem first?

Hope someone can help advise. Thank you.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2015, 07:54:31 am by Hb5000 »

Offline Buntybear

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Re: 3 weeks old and not really sleeping.
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2015, 12:13:29 pm »
Hi - are you giving her a really good wind after feeding to try an shift some of the gas? That could contribute to some of the grunting.

Offline Han12345

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Re: 3 weeks old and not really sleeping.
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2015, 17:22:28 pm »
I have been trying to wind but maybe not for long enough. I struggle to get much up from her but will try to keep persisting and see if that helps? Thanks

What about her not sleeping in the day? Can anyone advise? We have had another day of it today. She hasn't slept since 10am. Once she is in her basket she will settle for a couple of mins then cry?

Offline lolsyb1982

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Re: 3 weeks old and not really sleeping.
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2015, 18:45:45 pm »
Not sure where in the world you are so you may not have these products but I found gripe water worked well with my DD1. Need to be 4 weeks old to have though so almost there.
Also here in the UK we have colief which a lot of people say works really well. I think it's quite expensive though.

Offline Lindsay27

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Re: 3 weeks old and not really sleeping.
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2015, 19:33:25 pm »
My DD is also 3 weeks and I find her A time really needs to be no more than an hour, otherwise she is OT and fights sleep.  An hour of A time isn't much more than a feed, diaper change, and a little bit of "play time" on the mat before she needs to wind down.  If we go beyond this then she is harder to settle and her A time ends up being a few hours. 

I also find that at 3 weeks she's coming out of the newborn sleepy phase where they will just nod off whenever and wherever, and I need to make a conscious effort to watch her A times, wind her down, and put her down for a nap rather than just waiting and expecting it to happen in its own, yk?