Yk, life is such chaos with 3 kids that I can hardly remember
Thomas was a super sleepy NB - until about 8 weeks I think - but he was prem and poorly so I guess that is why. Once he started waking up the usual chaos started. Only asleep in arms and short naps etc.
What did I do? Path of least resistance
. Walk and rock him to sleep, then put him down (he side slept in a sleepyhead with white noise on - but AP'd to sleep first). Once a day I would either wear him, or sit and hold him for the whole nap. I always put him down for a short nap in the am as I needed to get the big kids ready for school, and by the afternoon he would take a long nap in arms. AT night I would get him to sleep in arms, and then he would end up in bed with me as the night wore on.
He did the usual really. At about 4/5 months the AP got harder. He would only short nap in the sling or arms by then, but the cot naps started to lengthen. Still put down asleep. He started to self soothe running his face into his muslin cloth, so if sleepy enough, he would nod off.
By 8 months he was sleeping in his own room out of the sleepyhead, I think I still bottle fed him to sleep at night at that point, but naps would have been independent. Routine is always the same - look tired - put in sleeping bag and throw in bed with a muslin cloth in his hands - put white noise on and leave
. And honestly this boy was in arms as a babe. He was def as independent as that by 8 months as that is when I went back to work and he was easy by then as Mum and Dad have him, and one of the 'deals' was that he has nice cot naps by then
I think if you AP to establish the pattern it makes it much easier to sort it slowly, as their body clock is already set for sleep.
It is a very similar pattern to Jacob as well. He was independent from 6 months, but walked to sleep until then.
Megan hated the car. Screamed until she was purple every time. Even as a toddler she was fussy, and now as a kid never.stops.talking. Even at age 5.5 she still never sleeps. I guess the car is just not that relaxing for some kids.
I use an app on my phone for white noise. My Mum has a continuous CD. Thomas owns the iPad overnight as well. I used to use wit at night wakings when he slept with me if he was struggling to settle as well, and I would nod off as well.
I never had the patience to pat until a deep sleep etc. I would rather just hold them. I honestly believe that they just need us when they are young, and the rest can come later.
Thomas is still perfectly capable of screaming in the car, even with Jacob trying to look after him.