I've had great advice from you guys before and we had reached a blissful state of 2 good naps and 1 NW. But since then we have had Christmas, an illness, a nursing strike and mastitis (me!) and we are in a state. Short naps, short A times, and many, many NW. To add into the mix, he is dropping centiles and is struggling with constipation

He isn't an independent sleeper - he was (with a dummy) before all of this but now needs patting to sleep, with a lot of screaming in the process.
Can I just post you yesterday's EASY? Which was reasonably representative of what we have been achieving. Any help very welcome.
Up at 5:45. Tried to BF but still full from about 100 night feeds
Breakfast (BLW so some toast and weetabix, mostly on the floor)
S 9-10:15 in the sling. Resettled lots of times. Woke up raging but wouldn't resettle.
Tried lots of times to BF in the next A. Short snacks but no proper feeds. Had some dried apricots.
S 12:45-2. Short feed when he woke up, one side only.
Finally had a decent BF at 4 and fell asleep feeding. Slept for 20 mins, prob would have slept longer but I sneezed and woke him up.
Tried for early BT but my twins (2.5) got in the way. Finally in bed about 7:15. Had a feed just before sleep
NW 10:30 (fed), 1 (fed) 4 (fed). Up at 5:30. Tried and tried to resettle, finally managed by 6:30, woke up at 7:10. Fell asleep in the car on the way to nursery at 9:00, has just woken up at 9:35.
I'm at the end of my tether. Please help. I'm sat in the car with a McDonald's drive through coffee just to get some peace. He is exhausted and we all are suffering!!