Hoping to hear from other moms with small babies and/or low supply! Some days I feel like most BFing mothers I hear from are the ones with big, rapidly growing babies and an abundance of milk, pumping 6-8 ounces (or more!) at a time, kid gaining a pound a week, etc. Meanwhile here I am feeling like a rock star if I manage to pump 4 ounces at a time (usually around three) with my little 10th percentile baby.
Numbers aside, my boy is healthy and growing well (he was a preemie so 10th percentile for weight is actually pretty good - he was 5th at his 3 month checkup and his height shot up from the 50th to the 65th percentile during the same period!) and I make enough for him, he just nurses a bit more often. I feel like maybe I just don't produce as quickly, or don't have as much storage capacity, or something? Who knows.
Putting the call out to other moms in the same boat so we can keep from getting discouraged when it seems like other moms are milk machines!