My son who is now 15 weeks old had been mostly waking just once at night since around 5 weeks. This was slowly moving from 3am to 4am to nearly 5am.
Around a week ago this reverted to 2 wakings.
Weds 1.30 and 5.20
Thurs 1.00 and 5.45
Fri 12.30 and 5.00
Sat 1.30 and 5.40
Sun 2.15 and 5.15
He feeds pretty well in the first overnight feed but would pretty much be happy with just one side for the second feed. He also tends to settle back to sleep quite quickly after these feeds (has done overnight for some time).
We are on summer holidays at our beach house and have been since a couple of days before sleep went to pot. He doesn't seem to be unwell and isn't cold (or hot I believe).
Seems a little early for the 4 month sleep regression (esp as he was born 2 months early) and he's supposed to be between leap 3 and 4 (in fact, 3 supposedly finished at about the same time as he started this new pattern.
He has no props, is still wrapped, but does need some help settling at bed time (just patting in bed mostly). He's at 1.5-2 hours awake time and is fed around 3 hourly (just moved from 2.5 to 3 hourly, so roughly 7, 10, 1, 4, 6/6.15.
Happy to add more details, but thought I'd check if there is a simple answer here before I do so.
Thanks in advance.