Hi All. DD2 is 7 months old. Her A times are in the 3-3.25 hour range and her naps range from 1.25-2 hours (total day sleep 2.25-3H usually). She is BF and we started solids just before 6 months. I have yet to see any drop in her milk feeds. She had a growth spurt at 6 months and then a very big one last week. She is a large baby and very active.
I am seeking some guidance on how to work towards eliminating the need for top-up BFs. Because she has a long wake time and fairly long naps, I think she needs (and she often reminds me of her need for) these top-ups. I certainly don't mind...I am not trying to limit her...but I wonder if 6 BFs during the day and 1-2 at night may end up contributing to a snacking situation that may be hard to exit. It is tough not to compare her to DD1 who was on 4 day feeds and no NFs at this age.....
Does anyone have advice on a schedule tweak or a timeline for when I need to care about the number of BFs she has in a day. I would eventually like to leave the house alone with DD1 for more than an hour or two, but DD2 never took a bottle and mostly just chews on the sippy cup when offered.
Here is a sample day (it does vary).
8am: W/U
8:20am: BF
9:20am: solids (amount varies by day...we drop off DD1 at preschool, otherwise I would do this earlier)
10:00am: BF (top-up...sometimes she'll demand a top-up before I get around to the solids)
11:05-12:20: S
12:40: BF
2:00: solids (taste, so I can work in the kitchen)
2:30: BF (top-up)
3:35-4:50: S
5:15: BF
6:15: solids (dinner with family....veggies, bread, peanut butter, etc...usually her largest meal of the day)
7:45pm: BF
8pm: Bedtime
Usually 1NF at around 12:30 (another feed if bad night)