Hi there,
I am a mom to a beautiful 4 month old girl. We have been EBF for four months and it has been the hardest thing I have ever done. I am so passionate about breastfeeding and am sad that our experience hasn't been what I thought it would be.
We struggled from day 1 with latch issues. She has had her upper lip tie and posterior tongue tie revised 3 times now
We also had to start with a nipple shield until she could latch normally which took about 4 weeks. I still deal with a lot of pain but am used to it at this point, mostly on the right side.
We initially had weight concerns as her weight after weaning off the shield stalled for a month. That was when we did her second tie revision and the weight then went up. She was born at 9 pounds 12 ounces and at 4 months weighs 15 pounds. She has plenty of wet diapers and seems content between feedings. We have tried a bottle a few times and she won't take it.
She is a fussy and finicky eater. If there are any noises or distractions she won't latch. This makes it very hard to go anywhere so I mostly stay home with her. I feed her in the bedroom on the bed. I was initially able to feed her elsewhere in the house and in the community but haven't been able to for a month or so now. She started kicking the armrest of the rocking chair and couch which is why I started her on the bed, but now I feel we are stuck here... She also won't latch when we go places anymore either.
She used to eat around 5-7 minutes but the last two weeks has went to 2-4 on average.
Can she get enough milk in that time? The five minutes had me concerned, I am about to lose my mind with 2! I know I have a fast let down and she seems to chug at first, but that seems super fast to me. She eats every 1.5-2.5 hours during the day and I wake her every 3 hours at night. I have tried having her go longer between feeds and that doesn't seem to increase her time at the breast. She will eat and go right back to sleep at night, so with her previous weight concerns and the fact she'll latch a bit longer at night I continue to do this.
She doesn't comfort nurse at all. She mostly uses the cradle hold and occasionally I use the football. I have tried the laid back, lying down, and other positions to help with my fast let down but she won't latch in them. I have oversupply and OALD. Since her eating time has decreased I have had engorgement and blocked ducts. I have been doing block feeding to help reduce my supply a touch. And hand expressing for comfort as I don't want to pump and keep the cycle of making too much going.
We are also trying reflux meds as we had some back arching during and after feeds to see if that will help any.
Anyone else have a similar experience or any suggestions? The LC we've seen haven't been very helpful unfortunately.