OK, so new issue related to the current issue...
This morning LO woke up at 6:30, when normal w/t has always been 7 until this random interruption in our routine (we run a 7-7 cycle).
When this happens, what do I do? Should I feed him at 6:30, or just do A time until 7 and then feed? He doesn't wake up through the night to eat, so his last feed is the 10:30-11pm d/f the night before.
He also was only awake for 1h10mins before he started fussing. We put him down right away, he fell asleep within 5 mins, and he napped for 1h30mins, which makes me think we got his w/t right for the first nap of the day at least.
But now the issue is that everything is shifted for the day and the 3h cycle isn't lasting a whole 3h. (From wake to wake was only 2h45min.) How do I make up the lost 15min? If this happens periodically through the day it will shift bedtime earlier.