Hi Ladies - I have a 7 week old daughter, Catie, and I'm really struggling to get EASY going with her. I also have a 3 year old son, with whom I did implement EASY, and it went so much better with him that I'm not sure what to do.
The crux of my trouble is Catie wants to be held all day long. Literally, all day...and she prefers if I'm moving. If she's not being held and if I'm not moving she's very fussy. I think part of this is because she doesn't nap well and is OT. By the time 6 in the evening rolls around she's a disaster and won't fall asleep until about 9:00/9:30 pm. I would love to move towards a 7 - 7 routine, but not sure if this is feasible at this stage. The great news is she is an EXCELLENT night sleeper and usually only needs to nurse once a night. Every few days she'll crash and sleep a TON. Usually on those days she needs to nurse twice at night. I hesitate to put down our routine currently because no matter what I do, it's all over the place. She usually wakes up between 8 and 8:30 and I'm REALLY lucky if she takes a nap that lasts an hour. I'll try to put her down at around 10 but unless I hold her and walk with her she won't fall asleep or she wakes up within 3 minutes of me putting her down. She generally nurses every 2 - 3 hours during the day. The evenings are the worst. From about 6 - 9 she's a mess and cries a lot and is just VERY fussy.
Can anyone offer advice on where I even start? I have had some success putting her down in the middle of the night awake but drowsy and having her put herself to sleep.