Author Topic: 7 Week Old - Struggling to Start EASY  (Read 1824 times)

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Offline FrankiesMom12

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7 Week Old - Struggling to Start EASY
« on: January 24, 2016, 17:45:53 pm »
Hi Ladies - I have a 7 week old daughter, Catie, and I'm really struggling to get EASY going with her.  I also have a 3 year old son, with whom I did implement EASY, and it went so much better with him that I'm not sure what to do.

The crux of my trouble is Catie wants to be held all day long.  Literally, all day...and she prefers if I'm moving.  If she's not being held and if I'm not moving she's very fussy.  I think part of this is because she doesn't nap well and is OT.  By the time 6 in the evening rolls around she's a disaster and won't fall asleep until about 9:00/9:30 pm.  I would love to move towards a 7 - 7 routine, but not sure if this is feasible at this stage.  The great news is she is an EXCELLENT night sleeper and usually only needs to nurse once a night.  Every few days she'll crash and sleep a TON.  Usually on those days she needs to nurse twice at night. I hesitate to put down our routine currently because no matter what I do, it's all over the place.  She usually wakes up between 8 and 8:30 and I'm REALLY lucky if she takes a nap that lasts an hour.  I'll try to put her down at around 10 but unless I hold her and walk with her she won't fall asleep or she wakes up within 3 minutes of me putting her down.  She generally nurses every 2 - 3 hours during the day.  The evenings are the worst.  From about 6 - 9 she's a mess and cries a lot and is just VERY fussy.

Can anyone offer advice on where I even start?  I have had some success putting her down in the middle of the night awake but drowsy and having her put herself to sleep.


Offline michaeljacknnugg

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Re: 7 Week Old - Struggling to Start EASY
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2016, 18:01:49 pm »
Sounds familiar! My DS2 is nearly 11 weeks and I could have written your post a few weeks ago.

I'm having some success now at getting him to nap. I've watched and watched him and figured out his A time (roughly 1hr45) by having him in the sling. So he can fall asleep when he's ready. Do you babywear? If so it's been a lifesaver for me.

I tried to nurse when he woke at that age, to set the EASY pattern. And now I'm thinking of trying to get up and about at roughly the same time every day. And I'm trying to focus on getting him the naps he needs - using any means necessary right now.

I am also co sleeping because he settles so much better next to me. Not what Tracy recommended but I feel so much better for it that I will carry on for now.

I'm only really going to attempt one nap at home a day because we are out and about with school runs for my older child. And I need to save my sanity!

Did any of that help? I'd say focus on just getting the naps for now.

My 'little man' - kind-hearted Spirited whirlwind, 2008
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Offline FrankiesMom12

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Re: 7 Week Old - Struggling to Start EASY
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2016, 18:26:04 pm »
Thanks for your post MJ&N - it helps if for no other reason than to remember some of this is a process and I can't expect things to change overnight.  It's also good to hear someone else is having success when there's an older sibling on the mix.

What type of carrier do you use?  I actually need to carry more, I just never did it with DS (he wouldn't tolerate it and at 7 weeks he was still a decent napper), so I'm a little intimidated by it.  I have a carrier that is similar to an ergo (it's a catbirdbaby), but my back really hurts when she's in it.  She weighs about 10.5 pounds right now.  I thought maybe a wrap ir a sling might be better?


Offline michaeljacknnugg

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Re: 7 Week Old - Struggling to Start EASY
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2016, 19:13:11 pm »
Yes, it's definitely a process. You may have had a baby before but you haven't had this baby, yk? They're all different and it takes time to get to know them. For instance my guy has a cute little noise he makes after a yawn. His big brother sleeps a lot more deeply than he does, so I am learning all over again.

I have a lillebaby complete. I wore him for all his naps today and it worked really well at countering the madness that is the weekend and all the activities for my big guy. Do you have yours pulled tight enough? If too loose they can cause backache as the weight of the baby is pulling you forwards. I also have my straps crossed now and find it helps.
My 'little man' - kind-hearted Spirited whirlwind, 2008
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Offline lolsyb1982

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Re: 7 Week Old - Struggling to Start EASY
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2016, 20:29:46 pm »
Hi frankiesmom

My DD2 is 9 weeks and again your post is pretty similar to how it's been here. We also have a sling (Beco Gemini, which is very comfy and has crossed straps) which is a life saver for when she's fussing and doesn't want to be put down.

I've found she naps best if we're out and about and sleeps for the longest if in her car seat! Naps in the Moses basket are usually only 45 mins long.

We've had very fussy evenings too and not settling until 9.30. I too would like that 7-7 routine but we're not there yet!!!

My DD1 was completely different to this one!

Offline FrankiesMom12

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Re: 7 Week Old - Struggling to Start EASY
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2016, 13:29:22 pm »
Thanks Ladies - I think just to hear that others are going through similar things helps.  To your points DS was so different (asleep by 7 or 8 at the latest, but awake and ready to start the day by 5:30), I felt like I was doing something wrong with Catie.  I also was not prepared for the fussiness.  I think I'm going to talk to her pediatrician about reflux at her 2 month appt as she spits up A LOT.  I feel like we can't move her to her own bedroom until she goes down easier at night and until she's spitting up less.  I'll definitely check out more carrier options and see whether I'm just not puttin mine on tight enough.  I really need to find one that works for us as she will only tolerate her carseat if she's in it while in the car and the car is moving.  Otherwise, if we're at the grocery store or using it in the stroller she starts to scream in it.  So, I really need to find a way to body wear her comfortably!!!

Would you guys start thinking about waking her up earlier in the morning?

Offline michaeljacknnugg

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Re: 7 Week Old - Struggling to Start EASY
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2016, 13:37:00 pm »
Same here with the carseat.

If it makes you feel any better, today we've had two short naps and I'm offering a feed early because he's just fussing and clearly tired but can't get off to sleep, even in the sling. This wasn't in the plan!

I have started trying to get going every day at 7/7.30, just because it will make life a bit more predictable. And it will help with missing the traffic during our morning trip to go sort out our horses.
My 'little man' - kind-hearted Spirited whirlwind, 2008
My love, my everything - BabyTwo, Nov 2015