Thanks for the information, Alex.
I knew there was a growth spurt at 3w, 6w, 3m and 6m but I had no idea there was one at 4m too! It seems like there's always a growth spurt to watch out for
I'm sort of relieved to know that the prolactin level hormone drop is normal/'s a relief to not have the engorgement either.
DD woke up again last night at 8:30, 2 and 4:30 (thankfully sleeping until
. She was full out crying with tears flooding down her little cheeks all those times...breaks my heart...had to nurse her down each time, nothing else worked. Not sure if this is the right forum to ask this question, but any chance her sudden wake ups are due to this developmental growth spurt as well? She's been picking up (or trying to anyway) everything she can get her hands on and it goes straight into her mouth. She's also been sitting up more (with support)...I didn't think this was much but perhaps this is the development leap?