Thanks, a typical day of bad naps is this,
W up 6:45-7 (she doesn't cry though, I just wake myself before her and knowing she will wake soon I keep an eye on the monitor, I allow her a few mins to come round before I go in and she's always smiley)
E 7:15
S 8:30-8:45
Wakes after 30 mins exactly so I've been lifting her
A 9:00-9:15
S 10:00
A 10:30
E 11:00
S 12:30
A 13:00 (usually go out to a group)
S 14:30
A 15:00
E 15:15
S 16:00
A 16:30
S 17:00
A 17:30
BT 19:30 after bath and bottle, goes down awake and can self settle within 15-20 mins.
We have had some bad bedtimes though, longest to settle was about 45 mins and she was crying for most of this with me and hubby going in to try and settle her.
I will be honest and say I am still Co sleeping some naps at the minute and she will settle straight away and sleep up to 2 hours!
She got so ot the other day she had a meltdown at a group and we had to leave
The minute we got home and I lay with her she passed out for an hour and a half.
I'm trying to find a balance at the minute of going out were she will cat nap but only when she's reached exhaustion! And staying in to co sleep naps to catch her up on sleep
I've tried snooze shades on the cat seat and pram and she still wakes after 30 mins!!
If she was happy with these naps I would be OK, but she gets ot and grumpy