Author Topic: When to trial dairy and when is non-dairy milk allowable?  (Read 11423 times)

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When to trial dairy and when is non-dairy milk allowable?
« on: February 07, 2016, 18:36:59 pm »
DD is starting to really pick up on what she is eating in terms of solid foods. She is loving feeding herself. This has got me wondering (and I totally forget a lot of information from when DS was small) about when and how to introduce certain foods as I know allergy information is different now. If I know she is sensitive to my milk when I have too much dairy, at what age would I attempt to trial dairy to see if she's outgrown it and would it make sense to offer it to her or eat it myself because if I eat it, my milk may take longer to get back to dairy free than I'd like?

Also, if I wanted to make foods or bake with a milk substitute, would it be okay to use almond or coconut milk in foods for her at her age (7 months)??

So far she's had:

butternut and yellow squash
sweet potatoes
baby oatmeal
pancakes (made sure had no dairy and used dairy free butter to cook)
little bits of pasta and chicken

Offline Buntybear

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Re: When to trial dairy and when is non-dairy milk allowable?
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2016, 20:33:52 pm »
Hi, I am not sure there is evidence to say you should delay introducing foods now. If you think there might be an allergy then you would take it slowly and wait in between new foods but it look like you have introduced wheat and egg already and they were OK?

I would be hesitant to use almond milk as it is a nut. We used oat milk, or you could use soy if she is OK with that?

When was the last time you had milk in your diet that she reacted to? How did she react?

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Re: When to trial dairy and when is non-dairy milk allowable?
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2016, 21:13:57 pm »
Yes, the wheat and egg were fine. We don't have a family history of food allergies outside of celery! I am hesitant to try soy because I didn't fully eliminate soy and can't be sure there isn't an issue there. She mostly has a history of mucous in her stool and very very fussy, tummy hurting behaviors when I ate dairy. Some reflux symptoms, not spitting up much but a wheezing that was checked by her ped and unrelated to her airways or lungs. The fussiness subsided tremendously when I cut out the dairy and her stools became less mucousy and a bit more orange rather than green. She was a much happier baby so I've been sticking to the dairy free diet so far.

When she was about 3 months old I had a good amount of dairy and after a few days she became very miserable again, with the green mucousy poops. That was the main reaction. Other than that it would have been accidental and I didn't know if I had eaten any.

Since starting foods, her stools have gone all over the place. Huge, green, liquid messes that overflow diapers and require a bath and lots of stain treating of clothes or firm stools that are hard to pass. But I have not given her any dairy and most of her foods have been fresh or frozen and made at home outside of the cheerios and baby oatmeal.

Offline clazzat

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Re: When to trial dairy and when is non-dairy milk allowable?
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2016, 21:44:12 pm »
We started using coconut milk as a substitute as soon as X was eating proper food - didn't occur to me that we shouldn't! He didn't have it as a drink until he was much older as I fed him until he was 2, but it was in loads of stuff before that.

As for trialling it,  that's kind of up to you.  I wasn't prepared to trial it very often as we were good with things the way they were and it wasn't particularly inconvenient. He is only just growing out of it now, and we have really only done 2 or 3 trials overall. If you know what you are looking for then you can try with a really tiny amount and watch her. I would think that it probably would be a bit better just to give her something directly so that you can see how it goes, and then if it is a disaster then you can fill her up with milk. Having said that, I know that when I slipped up and X reacted to dairy in my milk it was generally less than 24 hours before he was back to normal so it wasn't the end of the world.

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: When to trial dairy and when is non-dairy milk allowable?
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2016, 22:35:50 pm »
Here we are actually encouraged to feed even things like nuts (ok not in their whole form of course - but nut butters etc) from 6 months old. In fact basically I was told with DD3 to do the complete opposite that we did with the first two! But knowing our family allergy history she did suggest being a bit more cautious!

That said I waited until 12 months to really trial dairy full on. DD1 was fine with it by then but DD2 was 4 I think by the time she could handle it. DD3 has yogurt & cheese but if she actually drinks milk she gets horridly constipated so she actually still has a whey based formula in the morning as her "milk" lol. We try to keep her dairy consumption to a bare minimum.

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Re: When to trial dairy and when is non-dairy milk allowable?
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2016, 09:22:36 am »
I think research is going more towards introducing allergenic foods earlier now. I saw a programme the other day where a girl with peanut allergy was given peanut in tiny tiny amounts regularly so that her body starts to recognise it and build up a defence to the allergy.

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Re: When to trial dairy and when is non-dairy milk allowable?
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2016, 13:47:01 pm »
^^^ yes I have heard of trials like that! We don't eat much nuts due to the fact that my niece and nephews are highly allergic but I did expose DD3 to them early on. Probably should eat more but I shudder at the thought of my toddler running around with pb on her hands and face getting it who knows where!

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Re: When to trial dairy and when is non-dairy milk allowable?
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2016, 14:17:17 pm »
Sorry I've been gone for so long. Haven't had any time!

Thank you all for your thoughts and experiences.

I've been too nervous to trial dairy plus DD2 has been sick with an awful runny nose and cough and her stools fluctuate a good bit with eating new solid foods so I was afraid it would be hard to tell her reaction to dairy for the time being.

I have used almond milk and coconut milk to make pancakes and things like that for DD. I also let her have some coconut based yogurt. She enjoyed peanut butter on toast but that is rather messy!

She's loving food and still nursing lots when I'm home and taking expressed breast milk in a bottle about 2 times a day when I'm at work.

I think I'll let her try maybe yogurt or cheese after she's over this latest illness and I can better judge her response.

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: When to trial dairy and when is non-dairy milk allowable?
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2016, 14:22:37 pm »
Good plan to wait - it would be hard to tell if she has other stuff going on. So hard to find the right time sometimes isn't it? Took me a year of waffling to finally try DD2 on gluten lol.

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Re: When to trial dairy and when is non-dairy milk allowable?
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2016, 17:10:29 pm »
DS1 had MPI as a baby. I also never cut out soy completely so can't be sure about the S part. He had the same sort of green mucousy diapers that you described. I trialed dairy first by adding it back into my diet. Once he was fine with that I gave him yogurt. He was fine with yogurt and cheese by around 11 months. For some it takes much longer. Are you still off of dairy?

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Re: When to trial dairy and when is non-dairy milk allowable?
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2016, 01:23:52 am »
Yes I am still off dairy. I'm still trying to decide what I want to do.

I totally get that waffling for a year thing! It's nerve wracking!

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Spring break has begun! Also, DD has not had a snotty nose or other illness for a little bit and I decided the other night to go ahead and have two pieces of chocolate and this morning I let her have a taste of cream cheese off of my finger. I figure now is a good time to see what happens because I am home with her all next week and do not have to go in to teach so if she ends up miserable I can handle it rather than passing off a cranky baby to Grandma every day or running on empty after terrible nights.

Crossing my fingers that it goes well.

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: When to trial dairy and when is non-dairy milk allowable?
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2016, 21:42:01 pm »
Fx for you guys!

Offline Buntybear

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Re: When to trial dairy and when is non-dairy milk allowable?
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2016, 22:07:27 pm »
Sounds like a great time to try - fingers crossed!

Offline clazzat

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Re: When to trial dairy and when is non-dairy milk allowable?
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2016, 09:09:03 am »
Hope it goes well.

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Re: When to trial dairy and when is non-dairy milk allowable?
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2016, 00:57:59 am »
Yes, the wheat and egg were fine. We don't have a family history of food allergies outside of celery! I am hesitant to try soy because I didn't fully eliminate soy and can't be sure there isn't an issue there. She mostly has a history of mucous in her stool and very very fussy, tummy hurting behaviors when I ate dairy. Some reflux symptoms, not spitting up much but a wheezing that was checked by her ped and unrelated to her airways or lungs. The fussiness subsided tremendously when I cut out the dairy and her stools became less mucousy and a bit more orange rather than green. She was a much happier baby so I've been sticking to the dairy free diet so far.

When she was about 3 months old I had a good amount of dairy and after a few days she became very miserable again, with the green mucousy poops. That was the main reaction. Other than that it would have been accidental and I didn't know if I had eaten any.

Since starting foods, her stools have gone all over the place. Huge, green, liquid messes that overflow diapers and require a bath and lots of stain treating of clothes or firm stools that are hard to pass. But I have not given her any dairy and most of her foods have been fresh or frozen and made at home outside of the cheerios and baby oatmeal.
Wow, this sounds like exactly my experience with my ds and dairy. Did you find she had frequent night wakings if she had accidental dairy?
« Last Edit: December 22, 2016, 01:04:21 am by alwaystired »

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Re: When to trial dairy and when is non-dairy milk allowable?
« Reply #16 on: December 27, 2016, 22:44:48 pm »
DD is 18 months old now so it's hard to remember exactly....she also nursed and we were awake often through the night but mostly to eat and go right back to sleep. I didn't try to stop her waking to feed because it was easier for me to just let that stop on it's own.