Author Topic: Nearly 3 year old suddenly not napping, fighting bed and waking earlier!  (Read 1195 times)

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Offline amanda55

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My DD turns 3 in may and has suddenly stopped napping for me.  On Tuesdays/Wednesday (plus odd Saturdays) at grandparents stopped a while ago but would still have an hour or so for me (wake at 3).  Past 5 weeks, will not go to sleep every day, first once every 3 days would nap then not at all.  She self settles and has done since very young.  She goes into cot happily but just chats with her comforter for hour or so that I leave her in there (problem is that she is loud and wakes 9month old!).  She is also fighting bed saying not tired and it now takes me a while to leave room and I end up shouting at her.  Plus she is waking up nearer 6:30.  Was 7-7:30 but would have thought that without nap would sleep in more not get up earlier.  Again could be the opposite and 9month old is waking her.  Both have white noise on but sound travels easily through house!

Old routing:

7/7:30 wake, breakfast, play et. 11:30/12 dinner
S:1:30-3 (sometimes 2 or later but always woke at 3)
play, fruit, tea 5:30 approx.
6:30/45 milk, bath, stories, left in cot
7:30 asleep


6:30 wake rest of day same, put down for nap 1:15ish but just chatters away to lovey constantly! Leave for an hour or so then get her up. 
5ish tea, 6bath etc. so move everything forward, 7ish in cot but saying not tired, too dark (nightlights on but covered slightly to not too bright).  Usually end up shouting at her as keeps shouting me back (9month old trying to go to sleep also at this point).

I don't really want to make her room much lighter as isn't very dark at mo and she used to have a pitch black room, think its something to do with her lovey as keeps bringing it down now whereas before always stayed in room but if I'm distracted with 9month old it suddenly appears! she says 'lottie doesn't like the dark' (lovie) and that is what she is talking to so much for naps!  I don't think can get rid of it though as shes never had a dummy etc. and only used that lovey since 4months old she has no other toys etc in her cot and her rails are still on as never mentioned taking them off!

Any advice?  With her and a short napping 9month old getting a bit tired myself!!!
DD 21/05/2013
DS 18/05/2015

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: Nearly 3 year old suddenly not napping, fighting bed and waking earlier!
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2016, 18:03:18 pm »
Hi my DS stopped napping by 3 yrs so it could be that's she's ready. Can you bring her BT any earlier if she doesn't nap? May be that's she's OT and it's causing the BT messing! Would you consider giving her something to do in her room that might keep her quiet, stickers or story picture books? For us DS refused to be quiet in his room so we did tv and lay down on the sofa to rest.

Offline amanda55

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Re: Nearly 3 year old suddenly not napping, fighting bed and waking earlier!
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2016, 19:08:22 pm »
Thank you, we try for an earlier bedtime but yes with the now messing about it adds time on, I'm finally getting out of the room approx half hour earlier than used to be left when napped and she does got to sleep quicker whereas if napped would chatter quietly for 20-30 mins so is going to sleep approx 30-45 mins earlier but is up earlier in the morning also! Today I left CBeebies radio on for her and she was quieter and stayed in room for nearly an hour laid in bed.  Do you think try for even earlier bedtime?
DD 21/05/2013
DS 18/05/2015

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: Nearly 3 year old suddenly not napping, fighting bed and waking earlier!
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2016, 19:30:36 pm »
Most not all LO often need a short 11.5/12 hour day when nap dropping so you might find an earlier BT needed. Doesn't work for all but you might find a bit earlier means less faffing.
Great she stayed quiet with the radio on, at least she's resting.
For us this transition was really about winging it a bit, judging the mood and getting an earlier BT in quickly if the mood went hyper or tears.

Offline amanda55

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Re: Nearly 3 year old suddenly not napping, fighting bed and waking earlier!
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2016, 19:54:37 pm »
Thank you Will try making bedtime even earlier, was just worried she may get up even earlier, or condense bedtime routine so still gets to see DH but still goes to bed earlier.
DD 21/05/2013
DS 18/05/2015

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: Nearly 3 year old suddenly not napping, fighting bed and waking earlier!
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2016, 20:05:48 pm »
It's all a bit trial and error, you can always move bt if it doesn't work x