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Milk for 13mo
« on: February 15, 2016, 20:46:55 pm »
Hi girls,
I am pretty sure there is a very similar topic here about weaning bottles at this age, but I want to ask about something else.

My DS is 13mo in 1.5 weeks. He takes 2-3oz of cow's milk with the breakfast in a straw cup and 10 oz of formula at BT from a bottle.
If I would switch cow's milk to formula, he would drink the whole 10oz as he likes it better. It's sweeter I think.
This week I switched from formula #2 to junior #3. Since then, he is burping deeply or throwing up after BT bottle:/
Do you think it could be the switching or the fact that he eats more during the day and 10oz is too much?
I would love to switch BT bottle to cow's milk in a cup ( I know he is ok, no allergy), but he would probably drink 2-3oz:/ So do I accompany it with solids? What do I give him with milk at BT :( ?

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Re: Milk for 13mo
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2016, 21:04:51 pm »
I would switch back to the formula 2 right away if it was me.  It sounds like something in the formula 3 just doesn't suit him.
I actually have no idea what formula 2 or formula 3 are but I'm guessing it's marketed as a more grown up drink.  The advice in the UK is that there is no need for any formula other than "first" the one which can be used for new borns (by 'no need for any other' I do not mean those for babies who have allergies, obviously they are needed).  Here 'follow on' formula is marketed, this is because they are not allowed to advertise or do price offers on "first" formula as this might discourage BF.  Really marketing is the only reason why these follow on formulas exist. I don't know about where you live, just saying how it is here. My guess is that formula 3 does not have additional benefit which would be lacking in formula 2 so just stick with what is taken well and doesn't cause problems.

Personally I would want to keep at least one of the milk feeds to a relatively good amount.  It is not strictly necessary as calcium, fats etc can be found in other foods but in general milk is good for them.  For that reason if it was me I'd keep going with the bottle until I found a way for the milk to be taken in a good portion.  Will he take the larger portion of formula with a straw? If so I'd do that.
WRT switching from formula to cows milk maybe you can do that as a separate step (either before or after switching bottle to straw)?  Have you tried a gradual change over by switching 10-30 ml of formula with cows milk and shake to mix. Then after a few days switch another 30ml and so on, keeping the intake good but gradually he gets used to the different taste?

When I switched the BT bottle to a drink of milk in a cup and a solids snack I kept the morning bottle so it wasn't so important the BT milk reduced in quantity as he was getting his main milk drink at another time. I did the BT supper with drink of milk in a cup around 1.5hrs before sleep, not later than 1hr before sleep.
I used to avoid fruit because I felt like it was too acidic for my DS before bed, usually I gave carbsy type things such as bread, toast or pancakes (which did contain fruit but it was cooked in rather than fresh fruit), crumpet, bread sticks. I made no added sugar mini muffins which were good for supper with milk too.

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Re: Milk for 13mo
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2016, 21:15:09 pm »
Thank you for the advice!! It was a great one :)

So wait, I can mix cow's milk with formula and give it to him in 1 bottle/cup? That would be perfect!! I know he would get used to taste.
Yes, in a straw cup, he would drink good amount of formula with no problem.

I think I will go back to supper 5pm, formula at 7 (BT 8) in a straw cup and will gradually replace 2 with cows milk.

That's my thinking. I don't think he needs formula anymore. He loves diary in other forms, just not milk.

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Re: Milk for 13mo
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2016, 21:36:40 pm »
Yes, in a straw cup, he would drink good amount of formula with no problem.
If it was me I'd do the morning milk as formula in a straw cup so he took his big drink there. And over a couple of weeks switch with the cows milk 1oz at a time.  Then you can do supper and cows milk in a cup in the evening and he is not limited but naturally takes less at that time.
It's what I did anyway - I know a lot of people like to keep the big BT milk but at 1yo he's highly unlikely to wake with hunger even without a big milk drink just before BT. It's only a suggestion, to think about.  When mine turned 2yo he had a health check, it was at this I was told there were benefits to doing it this way but no one had told me that earlier on, it's not in any of the health leaflets I've seen or anything. So apparently it can (long term) be helpful in PT and night dryness. You can't control night dryness and wouldn't make it come faster by limiting drinks in the evening but having the larger drinks in the earlier part of the day apparently helps.  The other thing the health visitor told me was that it helps with PT as LO is up and awake and can feel what a full bladder feels like, and that it can help to increase bladder size (I'm not convinced by this as DS doesn't seem to have a large bladder capacity at all).
One of the things I noticed on the boards is some people have difficulty with nappies holding the amount of wee produced over night when LO is getting bigger/older with some double diapering to get through the night. Might be worth considering when you are deciding how you want to go forwards with the milk/supper etc.

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Re: Milk for 13mo
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2016, 13:03:10 pm »
Oh yes, diaper change has been a problem for us for the past week or two. 1 nappy is not enough anymore overnight:/
Thanks! Will do that.