Author Topic: How to stop cluster feeding  (Read 2044 times)

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Offline Alexian28

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How to stop cluster feeding
« on: February 23, 2016, 05:31:55 am »
I was reviewing my books today and saw that Tracy recommends discontinuing cluster feeding at 8 weeks. My son is now 10 weeks, gets pumped BM with 4-6oz formula a day, and is huge at 16lb. He takes 4oz bottles between 630-730a, 930-10a, 1230-130pm, 330-430pm then cluster feeds at 6 and 7pm about a total of 7oz. DF of 4oz at 1030pm and wakes once in the night from 230-4am and takes another full 4oz feed. How do I go about dropping the cluster feeding? He's always been the prime example of a baby who eats his way through the witching hours, plus will at most take one 30 min catnap between 4pm bottle and bedtime. He drains his bottles but if I give much more than 4oz he'll spit up constantly and doesn't sleep well. (My daughter was the same way).
3 year old DD with special needs
DS born 12/11/2015

Offline Lolly

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Re: How to stop cluster feeding
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2016, 20:54:10 pm »
Sorry I missed your post!

I would say if he's doing well on your current routine - and it looks like he is then I wouldn't change it for the sake of it. Dropping the cluster feeds assumes that baby is formula fed and as yours is having breast milk and only taking 4oz per feed I would keep the cluster for now.

When he is able to take a bit more per bottle and needs more A time you will be able to shift feeds a bit and probably drop the cluster then. A lot of babies do like to have a split feed around bath time though!


Offline Alexian28

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Re: How to stop cluster feeding
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2016, 21:07:39 pm »
That's OK! Oddly enough in the past week he suddenly decided he wanted a different routine. Started taking 6oz bottles with a 4oz top up before bed, switched to a 3.5 hour EASY and slept through the night the past 3 nights. Kids.
3 year old DD with special needs
DS born 12/11/2015

Offline Lolly

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Re: How to stop cluster feeding
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2016, 21:59:14 pm »
Ahh - the magic powers of posting a question! Lol! Sounds like you guys are doing really well! ;D
