Hi, and thanks for this great forum
We've been trying EASY with our 5 month old daughter for 16 nights now, initially aiming for a 3.5 hour schedule as she is EBF (not really by choice, she just has always refused a bottle
). She sleeps in a co-sleeper next to our bed at night, and in her cot in the nursery for naps. Before introducing the routine we had been fairly good at feeding her after naps rather than feeding to sleep, and we even had a very nice couple of weeks about 14-16 weeks where things seemed to be going in the right direction. But then things went south around 3.5 months and we had to rock and bounce her to sleep for longer and longer which wasn't working for anyone...
The good news is that EASY does seem to have made some progress on getting her to sleep for naps and at night. She will go to sleep after a wind-down with shush-pat in about 20-30 minutes now (compared to 60 minutes at the start) with only a couple of PUPDs and sometimes none (started with 30+!). When she goes into the cot her eyes are generally closed and her breathing is calm, but she is still moving around a bit. We have white noise on a low volume all night.
However, we have a couple of problems that don't seem to be getting any better. In fact some things are getting worse.
First, her 3 daily naps are almost always 35-45 minutes. She wakes up pretty happy most of the time, and we haven't had much success extending the naps yet. She might go back for 5 minutes more after 10 minutes of PUPD & shush-pat but then she starts screaming and fighting until we take her out the nursery.
Second, and worse, she now wakes up a lot through the night. When we first started EASY she would at least sleep for the first 2-3 hours of the night (7-10pm) before waking, and then wake up 2-3 times more for feeding. This felt like gradual progress. But for the past week, she has predictably woken up about 7:45, 8:30, and 9:15. Often by the 9:15 wakeup she won't go back to sleep without a lot of screaming then another feed. We've certainly never got to the point of being able to give her a dream feed!
We'd really like to know if there is anything we should tweak to get things back on track and her sleeping better at night. We can deal with the naps TBH but I wonder if that might be affecting the night wakings so I wasn't sure which board to put this on
Here's an example day (yesterday):
Woke up at 6:30
E: 0700 - 0720
A: 0720 - 0850 (including a tiny bit of puree as we're weaning her)
S: 0850 - 1005
E: 1015 - 1035
A: 1035 - 1225
S: 1225 - 1310
E: 1315 - 1340
A: 1340 - 1515
S: 1515 - 1600 (woke up in the middle, shushed back to sleep)
E: 1600 - 1620
A: 1620 - 1800
Last feed: 1800 - 1820
Wind-down (bath, book, songs): 1820-1840
S: 1900
NW1: 1945 (10 mins to resettle with shush-pat)
NW2: 2040 (10 mins to resettle with shush-pat)
NW3: 2100 (10 mins to resettle with shush-pat)
NW4: 2115 (wouldn't resettle in 20 mins, screaming, so fed)
We went to bed hereNW5: 0030 (fed and back to sleep in 30 mins, needed a hand on her chest for an hour or so though)
NW6: 0300 (fed and back to sleep in 30 mins)
Then slept through to 0645, with a few reassuring "hand on chest" moments when she seemed to be stirring about 0500.