Ruby is 7 weeks old and has been waking up (since she's been maybe a week old) around 4am and makes these very loud grunting noises until about 6am (when we wake up). Not only we're losing sleep over it but most importantly, she can't be having the best sleep during that time either. When I check on her she seems to be sleeping (or half asleep). It's not acid reflux, doesn't seem to be gas either. We swaddle her at bed time and we felt like this was the problem as she wanted her arms out (at that time) but once her arms are out she then fusses until they're tucked back in. We then got her a Love to Dream swaddle which lets her have her arms up to sleep... 1st was much better (not sure if it was because of the swaddle or because she barely napped that day! She's a terrible napper!) but last night was the same... 4ish am to 6am grunting session. She's not crying, it just sounds like she's straining to pass gas but I don't think it's gas anymore... And once the clock hits 6 It seems to be all better...
I have yet been able to successfully put her a consistent daily routine as her naps are terrible which I have a feeling might be due to starting the day tired because of the grunting session?
What do you think?