Our 20 week old is essentially on a baby led schedule. It is somewhat routine and not crazy, i.e. he normally only feeds every 3hrs or so, but can be more, can be less. Then often has 4 feeds through the night after his 7:30pm 'bedtime' feed.
My wife is not keen on implementing a strict EASY routine (he is currently AESY - needing fed/walked/rocked to sleep. Can't self settle).
In this situation, is it even worth trying PUPD in the night to teach him to self settle? i.e. if a strict routine doesn't work for us, at least he will learn to put himself to sleep.
As we're likely to stick with AESY, can we let him fall asleep while feeding (he also gets held upright for 30 mins after), then rouse him gently before we put him down? What do other people on EASY routine do for night feeds if they fall asleep while feeding?