We're desperately trying to get our DS to take more than 90-100ml at a time from the bottle. We've tried both EBM and formula and he seems to have no preference/dislike for either he just won't drink very much.
We've tried different teat sizes between 2 and 3, if he had a preference for faster or slower flow, to see if that made a difference but it doesn't seem to. Am I being unrealistic about how much he should be able to take at this age, from looking online it seems he should be taking at between 150ml-200ml?
We're trying to get him to take a good feed at 10-11pm from a bottle from DH so I can try and get some sleep before being up every 3 hours at night feeding him, and then up with DS1 who is 2.5 from 7am for the day.
Thanks for any advice