ha! It's the story of my life Bella! I have an idea what DS likes but I'm not quite there in getting a solid routine. It's either too much A or not enough A
I agree in terms of making sure he's well fed before the nap. Thankfully after those two days, he hasn't woken up to eat so maybe it was a growth spurt or who knows. I generally feed 1-1.5 hr after a BF. My goal is to wean around a year so I'm going to start taking steps towards that as well.
I do prefer the short nap in the am and longer in the pm due to errands and classes. It's just easier for our family. But of course if DS prefers the other way I may have to tweak it.
Today he is playing catch up as yesterday was a crazy day with family and he had a horrible night as a result of horrible naps. Looks like DS is sensitive to OT UT and all haha!
Hi Shiv!!!! Nice to hear from you again
Funny I always though even a couple of months ago that my DS was similar to your LOs.
I do know DS doesn't do well with such a long A unless he has a monster nap. Unfortunately I have yet to see a 2 hour nap. The most he's ever done is 1.75 on rare occasions. I agree with you that I don't want EMW!! We struggled with that for awhile, pulled out of it, and looks like NW are back sprinkled with early wakings that I just end up nursing for. Some are playful, some he fusses. I let him sort it out and most of the time he will just go back to sleep. Other times if it's been awhile I'll feed.
Lately he's been teething so his wake times seem shorter than they were before BUT I'm getting NW and EMW which I feel like it's bc of short wake times.
This is what is going on so far today: (he's probably tired as he had 3 long NW last night and this morning and had crappy naps yesterday)
WU 9 am (this will be moved up again to 7:30)
NAP 1 11:32-12:56 pm (A 2:31; this one is weird bc he usually doesn't sleep at this time but he kept trying to put himself to sleep in the living room and was acting very tired; hoping this won't come back to haunt me tonight)
Nap 2 4:05- (woke up at 28 minutes?! Resettled and still sleeping)
Before all this mess we were doing:
WU 7
A 3.5
Nap 1 10:30-11:30/noon (usually an hour and 15)
A 3.5
Nap 2 3/3:30-4:30/5 (again usually about 1:10 or 1:15)
A 3.15
BT 7:45-8:15 pm (depending on last nap)
I'm all around confused to be honest. He always was longer on the A times since I started an EASY with him at around 3.5 months but in the week and a half he's cut down his A times. Not sure if it's because the teething, NW making him more tired, or he tires out faster bc he is much more mobile.
Shiv- what would you suggest since you mentioned NW being UT rather than OT? Maybe I'm in a vicious UT/OT loop in this transition?
Thank you ladies. I honestly am so thankful for all the insight. It definitely helps to have other perspectives!