I wanted to give a quick update of last night/this morning. I extended the first A to 3.75 and got a 1.5 nap (with a quick resettle at 33 minutes). However I got two longer NW including an EMW that was only settled with finally feeding then he settled quickly.

He is teething his top two teeth which the gums are so transparent but no cutting yet. Meds and no meds don't seem to make a difference

Yesterday went like this:
WU 8 am
Nap1 11:45-1:15 pm (A 3.75;woke up at 33)
Nap 2 4:45-5:30 pm (A 3.5)
BT 8:45 pm (A 3.25)
He briefly woke up after about 35 minutes, then had NW at 12:15-12:45, 3:45, 6-6:45 am. Both longer wakings he was wide awake; would fuss a little (mostly when I tried to resettle) but no crying.
Not enough A time somewhere in the routine? Maybe it takes a few days to adjust? Maybe the am nap is interfering and should be short? Ugh who knows.
Any insight would be welcome with open arms! DS is a tough nut to crack.