Mine never slept out, except when tiny in the sling with all visual stimulation blocked out
Do you think a UT morning nap would work better at home?
Sorry, I'd forgotten how old your LO was, just checked and thinking I probably wouldn't cap so much just yet. Kind of trying to pluck something out of the dark but maybe someone else will chime in with a better suggestion or you'll try something else that will work better. But you need somewhere to start from, so...
7:30 up
11-12 nap 1
3:30-5 nap 2
8:30 BT
That might be a bit more sleep than he needs, from what you've said previously? I think that yesterday sounded a bit OT perhaps, with that easily settled crying NW and short night - you said BT was a bit later than usual? With DS, during the 2-1 we'd often end up with 10.5h nights, but when they got shorter than that we'd cut more off the first nap and pull the second nap earlier to shorten the day, if that makes sense? So if that routine doesn't give enough A you could stretch the second or third A time or if that's not enough, then cap the first nap to 45mins perhaps, or you may not even need to cap it by that much (my DS was sensitive to 5min caps!), but that should help you to get more A into the daytime without making the night too short/wakeful. Sorry rambling, hope something makes sense out of that