Hi Ginger!
Thank you! Yes he's quite the character at 11 months

Yes anything less than 10.5 night sleep is short for him. The A times I listed are the times he actually falls asleep. It usually takes him 5-10 minutes to drift off unless he's fighting sleep then it tends to be more. I aim for the routine we had but the pm nap is beginning to be a fight at 3.75 A so not sure if it means he's OT (from teething) or UT bc he's been on this routine for a bit. So confusing isn't it?
This was yesterday's EASY:
WU 7:58 am
S 11:21-11:54 am (A 3:22; fighting sleep beforehand but yawning;
S 3:36- 5:29 pm (A 3:42; fought sleep a little biting my sleeves; PD in crib; woke up at 38 and again briefly at 48 fussy took 4 minutes to resettle. Maybe slightly UT or OT)
BT 9:11 pm (A 3:42; fought bedtime)
NW 12:35, 1:20 (fed), 5:20 (fed),
Woke up at 8:12 I nursed him then he fell back asleep until 9

Today he did a 30 minute am (I woke) after a 3.25 which he didn't put up a fight which was nice; then the pm he fought a bit and went down close to 4 hrs A then wakes up at 26 minutes crying

He just plays and plays until windown. Then fights sleep at 3:75. Again not sure if it's teething related, OT or just not tired enough.
Last night he had 4 NW but slept in so had a 12 hour night! He usually does an 11 hour night. I admit I didn't set my alarm clock so we slept in.
Before the trip and the teething business, he was self weaning and I was encouraging it by resettling in other ways if he woke before 6 hours after a feed. He was down to 1 or 2 NF. I was working on eliminating one NF to then to ultimately wean completely. With the teething he just wants to nurse so I. Feel like we are back to square one. Last night he nursed 3 times despite my efforts to resettle him without a feed.
So I'm overall confused about the pm nap and bedtime. I'm ok with a short am nap but then it has gotten mucky with the A after the am nap then the A after the pm.
So I'm thinking while he's teething putting him down for the am at 3.25A for a 30-45 minute nap. After that I'm clueless bc he's giving me a mixed bag.