Very true, we don't want to push him to eat more than he wants. It just seems like pretty much everything he puts in, falls back out! Oaty chews are a HUGE hit (thank you creations!), always have been. He'll also eat toast triangles dipped in soft boiled egg but cannot deal with, or doesn't like (?) scrambled eggs. All the good fatty foods he hates; avocados, cheese, he does love his all natural peanut butter though!
He did fairly well with potato wedges tonight, and he ate some broccoli (?!?!?!?!). Maybe he just doesn't like most of what we're giving him and is spitting it out from displeasure? But when I puree stuff and sneak it in between his attempts, he usually takes it.
At the moment he's only taking about 12oz of milk, which I think is ok. Though for the life of me I cannot remember when to drop the morning and bed time bottles!