My LO is 12 weeks old and I have been trying to get him on a good routine since he was 6w old but it doesn't seem to be working. He had a little of reflux so I guess that kept everything out of place.
Not 2 days have been the same, our days are very unpredictable.
He is eating every 4 hrs but naps/bedtime are all over the place.
Last week I tried to do the 4 hrs easy with 2h A time, first day he jolted at 45mins, I gave him pacifier and he kept sleeping until next feeding(moving a lot though) , did the same for second nap, took a catnap and went to bed nicely, that night he slept from 7:30 to 6 am. The second day was not so great and by the 3rd day he was only sleeping 35mins , difficult to put down for bedtime and woke up twice in the middle of the night( fed the first time,not the second)so I assumed he was overtired?/ growth spurt?
Today we did 1.45 A time but he still woke up after 45 mins, I gave him the paci and he calmed down but did not fell back asleep until I held him.
I don't know how to fix the 45 mins naps.Should I stick to the 1.45 A time for a few days? Is it possible that he is going through a growth spurt?
I really need help, I'm really tired and depressed and also have an almost 3 yrs old to tend to
Thanks for your help!!!